14 | All the Fun

201 13 30

Your PoV

"Man..." I whisper, rubbing my head, "did you get the number of that bus that hit us?"

Someone pats my arm, gently shushing me. "We're gonna be okay, Button. The guys are gonna come find us. I promise."

I crack open an eye, seeing Mikey's face upside-down above me. My upper body is resting in his lap.

"Wha happen?" I ask drowsily.

The space around us is dark; Mikey can't be two feet in front of me and I'm having trouble seeing him. Occasionally I can feel a bump from the floor, and hear the sound of screeching tires.

"You've got some big bruises on your face," I tell him.

"You should see my shell," Mikey jokes weakly. "But don't move too much. You've got a black eye and I think you're bleeding in a few places. Sidewalk's pretty mean, huh?"

Even in pain, Mikey finds the charisma to be the jokester. He gives me his goofy grin, and I crack one back.

It finally occurs to me that we're moving. Quite quickly, may I add.

"Are we in an ambulancy?" I ask dopily, another grin sliding across my face. "Goin' to the hospital? I dunno if your brothers will like that, Mikey, if the paramederks find you're not a human boy then they're gonna... um, what are they gonna do?"

"Send us to some science facility to get experimented on," Mikey told me dully. "But we're not in an ambulance. It's the bad guys' truck."

The realization that we're being kidnapped hits me slowly. If I had been fully conscious or even on a normal day, a situation like this probably would have slapped me into reality real fast. But today was about as freakishly abnormal as it gets.

"Kidnappered," I repeat. "You won't leave me, right Mikey?"

"I wouldn't leave you even if they tried to force me," he promises.

I smile again. "You should teach me your fancy skills in ninja moves, I think we could use some'a that."

"Once you feel better, Button," he reassures me. "I have some stuff that could probably make your ouchies get there faster. And you sound a little dizzy, how's your head?"

"I think I am a lil' dizzy," I respond. I feel Mikey lift the side of my shirt to take a peek at my wounds, and he relaxes almost instantly with a big sigh of relief.

"They're just scrapes," he says, patting my tummy. "This might sting a bit, 'kay? I'm gonna fix 'em up."

I nod. "Okie dokie."

I barely feel the bite of the antiseptic stuff he put on my side and my elbows, but after they're swaddled in clean bandages he'd somehow been holding the quiet, background sting they'd been emitting was gone. I felt cool and quiet lying with my head on his thighs.

He was dabbing some of the stuff on his shell with a little cotton ball when I looked up at him again, brushing away some stray blood marks and nurturing bruises. "How you doin', (Y/n)?"

"Pretty good," I said, hardly noting my tired, slightly slurred voice. "Mikey, did they drug us?"

He grimaces. "I don't think so. You fell back on the pavement and hit your head. You might have a concussion."

"Yikes," I murmur, shrugging it off. "How are you doin'?"

He exhales a little, sitting back to look down at his shell. He squints in the low light. "I'm doin, okay," he says finally, scrutinizing himself. "A couple cuts, a few bruises, I should be good. My ankle was looking kinda swollen earlier, though, but it's all numb now and I can't see it. It could be sprained."

"Yikes," I say again.

Mikey nods. "Indeed."

"But we don't have to be too worried, right?" I ask. "Will your brothers come?"

"No turtle left behind," Mikey tells me. "Leo says that a lot. We're gonna come out of this just fine."

"Good," I say. "I don't wanna make my dad worried. Maybe I should have just stayed home."

Mikey laughs a little. "And miss out on all the fun? Get outta here."

He hugs me gently. "We got to see each other, at least, and you got to meet my big, crazy family. And by the looks of it we might spend the night together. I'm glad I got to spend all this time with ya."

"Me too," I tell him. "I love you."

Mikey doesn't hesitate at all. Although the words just slipped my tongue and my concussed head wasn't on straight he winked at me and gave me a little kiss boop on the forehead.

"'Love you, too, Button," he whispered. "I really do. I have a feeling that this is going to test us, physically and emotionally... You gotta know I'll be right by your side through all of it. You got me?"

"I gotcha," I reply, smiling for real. A huge weight has been removed from my shoulders.

Mikey loves me, too.

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