Chapter Eighteen: Into the Woods

Start from the beginning

"You're a natural at this. Have you done this before or anything?" Carter commented.

I nodded, confident in my knowledge. "When I was younger, to...get away, I'd go to the stables and help out. The staff taught me a couple of tricks. I think they pitied me, honestly. They knew what was happening back at home with my parents and all..."

Shutting my mouth, I realized I'd said too much. My parents would always say that my mouth was quicker than my brain. This might've just proven them right.

But Carter appeared to be unfazed, so I leaned back and sighed.

The sun was roughly halfway to its peak when I'd finished mucking out the stalls and refilling the troughs.

I glimpsed a sparkle in Carter's eyes.

Uh oh.

By this time, I'd figured out that Carter's ideas usually resulted in some consequences. Such as getting in trouble or accidentally causing a mess. I knew he meant well, but Carter had little foresight with his ideas and the actions involving them.

Since he was my instructor, though, I had to follow suit.

Carter opened the gate to the fields and led me through, choosing a Delphai.

He explained the outline of his plan. "I'll teach you how to put on his tack, and you can have your first riding lesson. Win-win for both of us. This Delphai, Fawn, doesn't usually buck or anything, so you should be good. I don't want your boyfriend to come after me."

Puzzled, I repeated cluelessly, "My boyfrie-- Hey! It's not like that!"

Carter shrugged. "Whatever you say. Dakota's a pretty good hunter though. Just saying."

Aware that I was pink all over, I grumbled, trying to cool off. If he was trying to provoke a reaction, it had worked.

Fawn was trotting contentedly beside us, unaware that an inexperienced rider was about to take the reins.

Well, not that inexperienced. I had ridden horses in my childhood. And when I escaped the house.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.


Carter took us to the tack room and lifted Fawn's saddle off its rack, letting me secure it.

This time, I led him out to the riding track. Carter stood, leaning on the fence, his face neutral. I thought I saw a hint of fear in his expression.

Doesn't that make me feel so much better?

Fawn clopped excitedly, and I held out a hand to steady him. The more fidgety he got, the more likely he was to bolt.

I hoisted myself into his saddle, slipping my boots into the straps. Loosely holding the reins, I glanced at Carter for instructions.

He wasn't even looking at me!

Carter had taken out a block of wood and a small pocket knife and was quietly whittling it.

Steering Fawn over with a slight nudge, I traveled over to Carter. Fawn snorted, parting Carter's hair, and he looked up, shading his eyes.

"How about that lesson, hmm?" I asked.

"Oh!" Carter hurried. "Uh, right! Do you see that trail into the woods? Follow it down until you get to the stream. Fawn knows the way. I'll come after I get a Delphai saddled up."

Sighing, I answered, "Really?" and swung Fawn onto the trail.

With my luck, I'd probably get attacked by something while Carter was busy taking his time.

Ah well, commander's orders.

This forest was much more inviting than the one I'd gone through to get to the instructors. Animals scattered at my approach, leaving the path clear for Fawn. He ambled on at a slow, sleepy pace.

Sleep...wait a second...

Where was the note Dakota had written to me?

It wasn't in my bag, I'd dropped it earlier. Carter and I had bumped heads, but I don't recall getting it back. In fact, I'm pretty sure Carter had scooped it up...No wonder he'd called Dakota my boyfriend! He'd read the note!

That little...I'll get him for that later.

But first I had to survive this little trip into the woods.

(Side Note: This is another filler chapter. You'll have to wait until next week for some more action! So Melody has no idea what's going on with Dakota...we'll just have to see what'll happen when she finds out. If she finds out.)

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