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Name : Ennard Glitch Skeleton 

(Goes by : Ennard, or En)

Gender : Male

Age : 24

Birthday : October 10th

Sexuality : bisexual 

Personality : Ennard can see thru any lie. It's like he has the super power of empathy, cause he consistently knows how his friends are feeling. He cares deeply for them, and usually is the mastermind behind the plans he and his friends do (reference to what happened in SL). He is curious about different countries, and he likes organizing stuff. BUT! There is a dark side to Ennard. Ennard at times can show violent outbursts if someone tries to hurt his friends, and he cares deeply about their opinions. He can sometimes say crazy, or unidentified sentences. *A choir kid*

Relationship status :

*Original Au - Baby

*FNAF High - Baby

*Reversed Au - Funtime Foxy

How she/he views her/his friends :

~Baby - I... I... um... LE SKIP! I'LL COME BACK ! 

~Ballora - Like my sister. 

~Funtime Foxy - She's cool. 

~Funtime Freddy - Bestie, expect when he's loud and crazy. 

~Bonnet - Cute... 

~Bon Bon - Cute... 

~Minireenas - Handful

~Bibybab - There's one, but she's a handful. 

~Electrobab - I'm sorry Bibybab broke up with ya... 

~Funtime Lolbit - Techy. Learning to be a mechanic. 

~Yenndo - Also learning to be a mechanic.


Ennard : FINE! 

~Baby - She's... uh... adorable...

Looks :

Animatronic :

Animatronic :

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Human :

Human :

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