Decleration of War

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       Zander was a sight for sore eyes. He had been gifted with forest green eyes and chestnut hair that seemed to, even on his best days, appear tousled. Around the kingdom of Jendam the people would often hear of him disguising himself to wonder around the streets of the land purchasing cloth and other needless goods for someone of his status. Zander's kindness was looked upon by his sister as weakness. Queen Timinia feared that one day her brothers lack of ferocity would get him killed. Though she wouldn't be disheveled by his death if or when it is to come, she does feel as though she would be saddened as Zander was one of her last living family members.
        Prince Zander was but of a year or so younger than Timinia, but of his birth came the death of their mother who had passed in labor. Their father was alive and well enough to grieve her absence, but was rarely able to care for his children leaving them in the care of the royal nursery maids.
        The time without parental guidance gave Zander a sense of humbleness. Unfortunately since the nurses who were charged with caring for the children were still lower status to the royal kids Timinia soon realized she could have and do whatever she pleases without consequence. The nurses were unable to deny the, at the time, princess of Jendam anything she wanted. They also were unable to punish or  reprimand the young girl when she did wrong, this turned the young princess selfish and cruel. She would get whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it and she could do as she wished without consequence. As her selfish intentions grew her brother strayed away from that path. He, with the lack of consequence 93 reprimanding, gained morals and a sense of right from wrong by watching his sister push any who would dare try and be her equal away. The nursery maidens watched over them until they were 12 years of age and it seemed though they were glad to be rid of the harrowing presence of the future queen, they did gain a loving bond and connection with the young prince who had stolen their hearts with his good intent and innocence.
        At the age of 14 and 13 Zander and Timinia's father was struck with sickness which  took his life after 6 more years of rule. At the age of 20 Timinia arose to power and began her rule over Jendam. Her first act as queen was to strike down the force that many had heard of throughout the year which told of a kingdom greater than all else, more powerful than any army could defeat. The province ruled by Queen Keres who at the time was just 19 years of age and already striking fear into the hearts off all who hear of her magnificence. As Queen Timina's first act as ruler she demanded the downfall of Keres. No longer shall the kingdom of Erudus hold the title of most feared domain. Queen Timinia has never once in her life not gotten what she wanted and she wanted Keres's title. The declaration of war between the two kingdoms was sent out the very same night of her coronation.

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