The hatch opened, letting your captor walk through the entry, only for your eyes to set on a rather giant robot with spikes protruding from its shoulders; its back facing you. Other than its literally sharp design, the only color it has was just silver gray of different shades. Out of all the robots you've seen within this vessel, this one has the plainest composition yet. However, you'll admit that despite your latter opinion of its choice of appearance, its aura was an entirely different story-- one filled with a feared personality-- with intense malice and intimidation, unlike your captor's which was silent and subtle.

        And then, it all sunk in. These are real aliens! They were actually, living beings made out of metal.

        They're bound to have a gender, and you guessed that the two robots within this room are males. 

        Then, you passed by some kind of huge table, where your captor placed his drone on; the noise alerting the large robot of your custodian's existence.

        "Ah, Soundwave, have y--" The gray robot turned, looking at the the destroyed form of Laserbeak, before looking at the human on his officer's servo, causing for your eyes to stare at ruby-colored ones. For a second there, you've felt a slightest amount of fear, only to be disrupted by a thought of realization that struck you.

        He has a fucking blaster attached on his arm.

        "Huh, so you guys do have names," You stated, before glancing at the blank visor of the robot holding you. "And your name is Soundwave? Wow, talk about irony, here."

        "Soundwave, what is the meaning of this?" Their leader, you assumed, asked, his question seemingly controlled by his slipping patience. You guessed that he was trying to contain his anger and confusion, and he doesn't seem the type to do that, which made you ask yourself why he was restraining himself. A special treatment, perhaps? Or was it out of courtesy, because you can't always judge a book by its cover. Even if it's a sharp-looking, deadly book cover.

        Your captor neared the boss bot, then presented you in front of his red eyes, causing for a staring contest to ensue, before the navy blue robot's visor showed some kind of data regarding your well-being; most specifically, the x-ray Soundwave scanned earlier. For a second there, you saw the silver robot's eyes widen a bit, before returning back to their normal sizes. It wasn't really an x-ray; it's more of your vital signs after you consumed the blue crystal.

        "And how do you suggest we can use this information for our cause?" 

        To answer his lordship's question, Soundwave presented yet another chart; this time, it's filled with the numbers of vehicons within the Decepticon vessel. The numbers were depleting rather fast, and Shockwave's experiments can't really keep up with the pace of their losses. It takes time, and the former gladiator knew this. They can't make vehicons like they used to before. Perhaps they can only produce five within a stellar cycle. Not to mention that Shockwave is now occupied with his Predacon project, which can only slow progress if he were to demand more cloned soldiers with their limited resources.

        Your body's function may be replicated for further advancements in their scientific projects.

        "Perhaps finding alternatives for vehicon productions can prove useful," The leader remarked, pondering over the thought. "Tell Shockwave that he has a new project to prioritize. Results from this can perhaps quicken the production of the Predacons too through the use of an organic form of production." The ruby-eyed robot smirked, before dismissing Soundwave, which would've gone smoothly if only you didn't open your mouth.

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