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A year has passed and the galaxy has been taken over. Chancellor Palpatine is now the Emperor. Order 66 was executed. All the Jedi are dead. Barriss offee has been on the run from the Galactic Empire for months, hiding from Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker, although he's now known as Darth Vader.

Barriss stirred. It was the middle of the night, she was attempting to sleep, but a loud knocking came from her door.
"Ugh, those troopers. I'm coming!" She got up from her small bed and walked quickly down the stairs, the knocking continued, getting louder.
"OPEN UP!" A muffled voice came from outside.
Barriss approached the door and opened it slowly.
"May I help you?" She opened it, but her eyes weren't adjusted to the light of the lamps outside so she looked quite tired and half asleep.
"Miss. We are looking for this Mirialan." A trooper held out a poster, but the poster had barriss' face on it.
Of course, it was an old photo. Barriss has gotten a few more tattoos, given to herself to cover her identity. She had also removed her traditional Mirialan robes, as she felt that she didn't need them. She felt that she was a disgrace to her culture, so she changed.
She had a diamond on either cheek, made out of four smaller diamonds. She was wearing 'casual' attire, but she still looked like a rebel or someone on the run. As she didn't wear her traditional Mirialan outfit anymore, her hair was allowed to grow. It had to be short to fit in her hood originally, but now her hair was mostly all the way down her back.
Barriss didn't hesitate to reply to the trooper. She didn't want to seem suspicious.
"No, I'm sorry. If I do come across her, I will let you know. Good evening, men." She went to close her door, and she shut it in their faces, locking it.
She sighed. She'd had a close escape.
She realised she couldn't get to sleep, so she sat on her dusty sofa and turned on the holonet.
A small group of rebels has been spotted and we are trying to detain them. They are currently running lose on Lothal. They are trying to overthrow the galactic empire. If you see them, report to the barracks on Lothal. Long live the empire!"
"A small group of rebels, eh?"
Barriss was interested by these people. The holonet then proceeded to show images of the rebels. The first was a man in a green outfit, with brown hair. The next was a twilek woman. Her tails were fairly long, and she was quite tall. More images were shown, a lasat, a teen girl mandalorian with bright hair...
Barriss switched it off, and went back upstairs. The street lights shined through her window as she laid back onto her bed. She quickly fell asleep, thinking about those rebels.
In the morning, she woke up quite early, when she heard people scream.
She bounced out of her bed, quickly braiding her hair and clutching her blue saber, which she'd attached to her belt. Running out the front door, the man and the lasat zoomed past the door on speeders. But, they were being followed by a young boy, who proceeded to steal their crates. Moments later, the mandalorian girl jumped from roof to roof near barriss' small home.
Barriss just stood by her door, smiling at the crew being chased by countless troopers.
"Ah, just like the good old days." She imagined the troopers were droids, and the rebels reminded her of the Jedi.
Whilst all this was happening, she decided to sneak away from the imperials and took a walk in the long fields, where she thought about her failed attempt to save the masters.
I should've gone back to coruscant. I should've told them in person. But it would be too dangerous... Barriss was lost in her own thoughts and realised that the rebels were there, but a freighter appeared above her, and the rebels were zooming towards it. She quickly moved out of the way as the small boy ran and jumped into it, clutching onto a huge crate. Barriss looked at the man, who was staring at her through the door. He seemed... familiar. But before she could remember him, the ship flew off.
Realising that the trooper were running towards her, she quickly ran along the fields and ran around in a circle, which lead her in the direction back to Lothal. Without thinking, she pulled out her saber and deflected the troopers blaster bolts as they shot at her. Realising she'd blown her cover, she ran as fast as she could back to her small home. Locking the door, she sighed. She'd picked up a small comlink dropped by one of the rebels.
Before the imperials knocked at her door, she hid her saber under the floorboards, and quickly scurried to find her robes. Placing the hood over her head, covering her face, she opened the door.
"May I be of service to you?" She altered her voice to sound like an old woman.
"Sorry ma'am, have you seen a young girl with a lightsaber run by?"
"A lightsaber? No, I haven't seen any Jedi in years, sorry men."
"Good evening ma'am." And the troopers left.
It was getting dark now, and Barriss removed the robes, putting them into a cupboard.
"Hello?" Barriss spoke into the comlink.
"Who is this?" A man replied.
"I'm Barriss Offee, Jedi Knight." She hesitated to reply.
A silence came from the device.
"Barriss. I'm Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Padawan. My real name is Caleb Dume. How may I help?"
Barriss smiled. She realised that she wasn't on her own in the galaxy. She wasn't the only Jedi left in the galaxy.
"I'm currently living on Lothal. I'm hiding. Listen, come find me. I'll explain once you've found me. I'll be waiting at Old Jho's. Barriss out."
Barriss quickly sneaked out of her home and ran to the canteen. Moments later, a ship could be heard landing in a docking bay, and a man ran into the canteen. Barriss stood up and went to meet him.
"Barriss offee. Nice to meet you." She shook his hand.
"C'mon. Let's go." Kanan ran and Barriss shortly followed and they both entered a ship, which she later learned that it was called the GHOST.
Barriss was met by the crew.
"I'm Hera. That's Sabine, Zeb and Ezra. So Barriss, what brings you to Lothal?" The twilek introduced each other.
"We might need to sit down."
They all sat down.
"I bombed the Jedi temple a few years back. But chancellor Palpatine visited me in a cell, and told me that he could train me. He was a Sith Lord. He helped me escape from my master, Luminara Unduli. I then realised that he was using me, and I discovered that he was planning to execute order 66."
Kanan looked saddened.
"My master, Depa Billaba sacrificed herself for me." Kanan said.
Barriss looked at him with sympathy.
"I escaped after he tried to kill me. I sent a message to my master, explaining the plan, but I don't think it reached her. It's my fault order 66 happened, and all the Jedi are dead."
The ship fell silent.
"I can't stay here. I blew my cover. I need to go back and hide."
"Ok. But thank you for your information."

A few months pass, and Barriss is still living on Lothal. She still has contact with the rebels, and has had a few close encounters with the empire, but she tried to help as much people as she could on Lothal.
She didn't hear a lot from the rebels, until one day, the comlink given to her buzzed.
"This is Barriss offee, reporting. What do you need."
A womanly voice came from the comlink, a voice that seemed vaguely familiar...
"Hello Barriss. It's been a while."
"A-Ahso- Ahsoka?!"
"Yes Barriss. It's me."
"How are you alive?"
"It's a long story, and we don't have time for that."
"Where are you?"
"I'm with the Ghost Crew."
"I suggest we'll be seeing each other soon?"
"Yes, yes we will."


So this is how my story ends! I hope people enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I felt Barriss' story was incomplete, so I decided to put my own twist on it. I hope you liked my plot twists and the storyline itself :) I might do some other story soon, but I'm not sure :) but thank you so much for reading!!
-Mia :D

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