The Great Escape

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Barriss climbed into an air vent, crawling down the shafts, when a siren with a message began to read out.
Barriss overheard her two former masters speaking.
"Palpatine was acting strange when I spoke to him."
"Maybe he's not in the right mindset today. I guess we're all pretty shaken after Barriss attacked the temple, I don't see why he shouldn't be. After all, he did have to hold the trial." Luminara replied.
"Fair enough.." Obi Wan paused. "Did you hear that?" He looked up at the vent that Barriss was spying on them through.
Barriss has noticed, something in her pocket had gone off. She reached for something, and pulled out a comlink, which wasn't hers, and it bleeped.
"Blast!" She cried, suddenly noticing the comlink alerted nearby troops and her former fellow Jedi, which she was deathly close to.
Luminara quickly turned around and suddenly pulled off the vent door revealing Barriss, who then rushed back through the vent, she crawled into an open area which made it easier for her to run and stand up, which helped a great deal. She remembered she had a comlink, and it began to buzz.
"Ah, good. I see you've found my comlink." A voice came from her sleeve, of where she attached the comlink.
"How did you get it in my pocket?"
"Never mind that."
Suddenly, the two Jedi masters called out.
"Barriss! Come back!" Obi Wan yelled, his voice echoing down the tunnels.
Barriss stopped, and looked behind, the two masters standing behind her. Luminara began to walk towards her, as Barriss backed away.
"Barriss. Please, I know the Jedi Order forbids attachment, but I don't want you to get hurt, more than you already have."
"Master. I have to escape- you don't understand. I'll die" Barriss replied.
Luminara looked over to Obi Wan.
"Who will?"
"Who'll kill you? We- we can prevent that!" Luminara replied.
Barriss backed up until she was under a small opening in the ceiling.
"I can't explain, you wouldn't believe me. I'll die if I don't go soon." She said, before pushing open the door in the ceiling with the force, before jumping up into the shaft above.
She began to run down the shafts once again, and her comlink buzzed again.
"What do I do now?" She asked Palpatine.
"There should be a lightsaber in the corner."
"Don't question me."
"How did you know I'd end up here, at this dead end?"
"I said, don't question me."
"Fine. I've found it." Barriss said, picking up the heavy hilt, the gold plated handle was cold to the touch but felt elegant. She pressed the silver button, igniting the lightsaber, the blade coming out slowly, leaving a bright red glow in the small shaft. The glow seemed blinding in a dark room.
"Erm, Barriss? Are you still there?" The voice from the comlink appeared again.
"Yes, now what?" She replied, breaking away from her trance.
"Cut a hole in the wall, you'll end up in a landing platform."
She did as instructed, the small pieces of metal flying out as the hot blade cut through the walls. She kicked down the cut, opening a hole in the wall. But as she was about to jump, the masters appeared once again, their lightsabers lighting up the shaft, this time, accompanied by a group of troopers.
Barriss was frightened, so she jumped from the shaft into the open, outside world, and she turned to see the shuttle waiting for her.
"Hold it." A clone commander instructed, and suddenly, Barriss was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.
But as she was surrounded, the shuttle's engines began to roar, causing the clones to all look in the direction of the ship. Barriss' comlink buzzed yet again.
"I'll cause a distraction. You, run!"
Barriss looked up, and began to run, as fast as her legs could take her, whilst taking out the blinding red lightsaber, putting Obi Wan and Luminara in shock, seeing a former padawan with a RED saber. Something was up with Luminara, and she halted the troopers, preventing them from attacking her Padawan. Obi Wan disagreed with her choice, as they both watched Barriss jump into the shuttle, before watching it jump into hyperspace.
Luminara looked at Obi Wan with betrayal.
"It's ok luminara, we'll find her. We'll bring her back round." Obi Wan said, putting his arm around the now, crying master.
"I feel like a failure, Master Kenobi. I let my Padawan turn!"
"No, no you didn't. It was her choice. It was nothing of your fault."
They both began to walk towards a ship to take them back to the temple.

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