Palpatine's Plan

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Sidious walked up to Barriss' unconscious body. He kicked at her, but to his surprise, she was in fact conscious, and she sprang up, grabbing her saber from across the room with the force, shocking the wicked man, and blocked his attack of lightning that he used in his defence.
"What did you want from me?" Barriss yelled, pointing the tip of her saber deadly close to the mans face, when he had used up all his power in his defence.
"Fine. I'll tell you my plan.. but I'll have to kill you afterwards." He cackled.
Barriss thought for a second.
If I get this info and escape.. I can help the republic. But then there'd be prices on my head. If I die immediately after getting the info, what would've been the point? I could try and escape.. but there'd be no point because I'd have bounty hunters after me every second. Fine. I'll try to escape.

"There is an order. Order 66."

That's what the number was! Barriss thought to herself.

"I see that Anakin Skywalker is a very, powerful, young man. He could become a somebody with my teachings. I shall execute the order, and the troopers will have to obey, killing all Jedi. Anakin, will then become my padawan."

I need to get this info to the Jedi council- but I won't be welcome there. I- I need to warn luminara, and Anakin and the Jedi..

Barriss thought to herself, once again.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I'm going to have to kill you now."
Barriss backed away, removing the saber from Sidious' face, and making a run for it. Not wanting to kill Sidious and having the senate worry about Palpatine's whereabouts, she ran as fast as she could, with some extra help with the force. Palpatine however, used the force to guide her away from the exit.
"You think you can escape from me?"
Barriss turned around after she'd tripped over a dent in the floor.
She gasped, and saw palatine closing in on her. She scrambled up from the ground and ran to the exit, which was sealed shut.
Palpatine was slowly catching up, all Barriss could see was his crimson red saber glowing in the dark lair.
Panicking, Barriss pulled out her lightsaber and cut a hole big enough for her to slip through and run.
I'm free!
Barriss ran and ran down the stairway on the cliff edge in the sunset of naboo, whilst admiring the beautiful tones of the sky as she made her way down. But she hadn't escaped yet.
As she reached the bottom, she looked up at the now, navy sky, and could see Palpatine awaiting at the top of the cliff, just barely. But, the paused moment didn't last long, as Palpatine went for the leap of faith and catapulted down the downside of the cliff, Barriss saw what was happening and bolted towards the naboo shuttle that was parked in the tall grass.
By now she was tired, but she couldn't stop running. She needed to get this information back to coruscant. But- the masters didn't believe her before, so would they believe her now?

Palpatine paused as Barriss finally reached the shuttle, the door closing behind her as she looked behind and saw him, frozen.

On the shuttle

Barriss sighed of relief as she disabled a tracker she found on the ship's computer. Once she'd jumped to hyperspace, she slowly sat down on the piloting chair.
I need to contact the council.
She tried to connect her comlink into the system to boost the signal, but no luck. The more and more she thought about the plans, she realised how dangerous it would be for her to return to coruscant. Of course, she'd be under the watchful eye of the Jedi council, but she'd be placed back in a cell, where Palpatine had access to. So going back to coruscant was a no-no. Even though she had vital information to save the republic, she just couldn't bring herself to show it. After all, she'd served many years of her life training as a Jedi. And throughout those years, she'd come to realise that the peacekeepers, the Jedi themselves, were the ones responsible for the war! They'd been blinded by victory, they'd turned their backs on the thoughts of Padawans and knights, they'd turned against her thoughts!
The Jedi don't need to know. I don't want to be involved with mass murder. They'd be after me then. The clones will kill me. I don't want to go back. The Jedi don't accept my thoughts and my opinions, they don't accept me, they don't need to know about what I've learnt. Maybe, I could return to mirial?
No. They'd be ashamed of me for destroying my family's legacy as force users, they wouldn't want me to come back and be a disgrace to our culture.

Barriss looked out the window as she thought where she could go, where no one would know where she was, somewhere like a small moon or farming planet, somewhere where her identity was unknown and she could keep her reputation a secret.

I could head to lothal. There's no law there at the moment. The war never reached there, I'd be safe.

Barriss hesitated before placing in the coordinates in the system, wondering what would happen after Palpatine gained his power, if he would still come back and look for her? kill her? what would happen to anakin? Would all the Jedi be killed?
She would never be able to see her master again. So she reached for her hologram device and began to record a message.
After several minutes, which seemed like hours, Barriss finished her message, and it sent, directly to the temple communications room in the Jedi temple on coruscant, waiting to be opened and received by the council, and especially Luminara.

And there it was, Lothal. A small planet, not very popular, but good to hide your identity, especially if you are...
Barriss Offee.

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