The Dark Lord Of The Sith

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"Miss Offee, you have a visitor." A guard walked in after unlocking her cell door, interrupting Barriss' meditation.
A dark figure entered the room, hood covering their face.
"You may leave." He said, his voice, utterly familiar. He signalled for the guards to leave.
"You may be wondering why I'm here." He said, leaning towards Barriss, removing his hood.
"Chancellor Palpatine, what are you doing here?" Barriss replied, still salty about the fact that days before, he had sentenced her to 10 years in the sadly full, prison.
"I'm curious about your unexpected.. change, to the dark side of the force."
"Well, I haven't exactly-
"Hush, child. The reason I'm here is because I need your help." Palpatine silence Barriss, shocking the girl.
"Why- what do you need my help with?" She replied, with curiosity. She looked up at the man, his eyes turning a bright yellow. She had seen this change many times before, but this time, the man's presence felt different to any sith she'd ever encountered.
"I need a new apprentice... my former apprentice, Darth Maul.. he, well. Let's just say, he won't be showing up to try and kill the Jedi any time soon." He answered the young Mirialan.
"You- You're the dark lord the Jedi have been searching for, for years!" Barriss stood up from her cross-legged position, fists clenched.
"You- You're the reason we lost so many amazing soldiers!" She yelled in fury.
A voice came from behind the door.
"Everything alright in there, sir?" A guard asked.
"Yes. Perfectly fine." Palpatine replied.
Palpatine insisted on sitting down together, with Barriss.
"What do you want with me?"
"I have an escape plan."
Barriss looked up at the Chancellor, with hope. Then she remembered, the council and the senate would be looking for her.
"And what if I refuse?"
"You'll be killed." He replied, smirking.
Barriss thought for a second. She thought of all the terrible things would happen if she joined this man, including the death of many skilled Jedi whom of which she trained with for years, but what would happen to her if she escaped. She thought about how many people would be looking for her, chasing after her, hunting her down..
"I'll do it. One condition. I won't need to kill any Jedi." She offered.
"Hmmm.. it's a tempting offer. But it won't do. Remember, you will be executed if you do not accept." He reminded her.
Barriss closed her eyes. Those thoughts of regret, pain.. suffering.. entered her mind, forcing her to lose control of her words.
"We, my lord, have a deal." She opened her big, blue eyes and looked towards Palpatine.
"Correct choice, my young apprentice."
Barriss immediately regret her decision.
"About that escape plan.." She paused

At the Jedi temple

"I sense a great disturbance in the force." Master Luminara said to her fellow council members in the council chamber.
"What type of disturbance do you speak of?" Obi Wan asked the troubled master.
"I don't sense anything." Mace Windu replied to Luminara's statement.
"I-I can't tell."
Master Yoda looked at Unduli from across the room.
"Focus, you must, If you wish to seek this disturbance." The small green alien said, looking curious.
Luminara closed her eyes.
"What do you see?" Plo koon asked.
"I see.. Barriss. In her cell, but.. a dark figure, I can't figure out who it is.. is standing in front of her..."
The council members looked at one another.
"A sith?" Mace asked, troubled.
"I can't tell. Oh my.."
"What is it?" Obi Wan asked, worried for the Mirialan.
"Barriss, she- she's kneeling, in front of him. Like she's worshipping him, like her master."
"This can't be true!"
"A Sith Lord? In her cell?"
"You must be insane, Unduli!"
"Hush." Yoda commanded the council.
"That, that voice. It sounds vaguely familiar.." Luminara twitched.
"If true, this is, go to Barriss immediately, we must." Yoda looked at Luminara, who had opened her eyes, and Obi Wan.
The two masters got up and ran to the nearest speeder on the landing platforms.
"Luminara, don't worry. Your Padawan, or whatever she is to you, she'll be fine." Obi Wan reassured the woman.
"Thank you, General Kenobi."

At The Cell

"Barriss Offee, I now pronounce you, my apprentice. You may rise." Palpatine hissed at the young girl.
Barriss stood up, and went to stand near her new master.
"We don't have much time. You must escape while.." Palpatine was paused.
The sound of Luminara and Obi Wan shouting to be taken to Barriss this instantly worried the Chancellor, or The Dark Lord Of The Sith.
"You have to go! Now!" Palpatine grabbed the girl and commanded the guards to let her run.
"What about you?! We had a plan?!"
"Oh, I have a plan alright. Now go!" He replied, whilst watching the Jedi below, look for the girl.
Barriss ran, looking for any vents she could find, to hide and crawl through to escape her former master.
"Chancellor Palpatine, have you seen Barriss?" Luminara asked, troubled.
"I have not, but I will raise all attention." He replied.
"Thank you." Luminara thanked the man, before running off to find her Padawan.
Palpatine began to walk off-
"Chancellor, excuse me but.. why are you here?" Obi Wan asked.
Palpatine froze.
"I- I was checking the safety and well-being of the prisoners." He replied, nervously.
"I see." Obi Wan followed Luminara, but didn't believe what the chancellor had stated.
Palpatine rolled his eyes and muttered:
"Jedi Scum." Before walking to his shuttle, outside of the prison complex. His master plan was only just beginning.

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