The Kyber Crystal

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"What now? Where do we go? Master Unduli will be looking for me! We-
"Hush child! You need to learn not to panic."
Barriss sat down on the passenger seat, shocked at her.. Master.
"Sorry,... Master. I'm just very paranoid."
"No need for apologies. We will be taking course for Naboo. I have a secret location where we can hide and begin your training."
"Naboo! I've always wanted to go there. I hear the sights are-
Palpatine sighed. He couldn't stay mad at the child, she was young and not used to the Sith ways.
"I must remind you, we are being hunted by the Jedi. We need to stay undercover, hidden and safe if you want to live, child." Palpatine replied to Barriss.
Barriss' face dropped as she realised that she could not hang around the beautiful sights and landscapes of Naboo.
"As you wish."
She looked into space, the stars shining, but no ships to be seen, nor planets for that matter.
"How could I have betrayed everyone? I was happy with my friends.. I just wanted to prove a point.. not get ahsoka expelled.. and now I'm here! On the opposite side! The enemy!" Barriss thought to herself.

At the Jedi Temple

"Got away, Barriss has?" Yoda asked Obi Wan.
Luminara and Obi Wan returned to the temple, after watching Barriss escape.
Luminara didn't join Obi Wan in the council chambers, explaining. She was in her quarters, not speaking a word.
"Master Unduli.. where is she?" Mace asked Obi Wan.
"She's.. calming down in her quarters. I don't know what happened to her, I've never seen her so distressed."
Yoda thought for a second.
"Accompanied, She was?" He asked
"Yes. She escaped in a shuttle, but I'm not sure what type." Obi Wan replied to the small, green master.
The council thought for a minute or two.
"Was he a.. Sith Lord?" Shaak Ti asked.
"I'm not sure. Barriss had obtained a red saber, and if I'm correct, she has 'borrowed' it from someone."
"A red saber?"
"A Sith weapon?"
"Obi wan, do you know if he was a Sith?"
"Could you sense it?"
"This is unbelievable!"
"The Sith Lord we have been looking for!"
The council buzzed.
"Silence!" Mace Windu yelled, causing the council members to restore to their silent and calm state.
"Has Barriss fallen to the dark side, Kenobi?" Mace asked.
"I am unsure."
"The man, who took Barriss. Who was it?" Ki Adi Mundi asked.
"I believe... if I can recall, it was Chancellor Palpatine." Obi Wan replied, with worry.
"Are you saying.."
"The Chancellor is a Sith Lord?"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm afraid so. Even ask Master Unduli!" Obi Wan suggested, only to prove his point.
"If this is true, we must take action. Thank you for your time, Master Kenobi."
Obi Wan exited the chambers, worried about Master Unduli.

Palpatine's Ship

Barriss pulled out of her daydream and deep thought, and looked at her master.
"Are we nearing Naboo?"
"Yes, my young apprentice. We'll be there in about 5 minutes. But as you wait, I have something for you. It's in the quarters."
"Yes master." She nodded, and left the room.
She walked with excitement to the quarters, wondering what could have been left for her.
"Maybe it's an outfit.. or a lightsaber." She thought, walking her way to the quarters.
An as Palpatine had stated, there was something in the room.
A box, covered in gold patterns, sat on a shelf.
"Aha!" Barriss muttered, walking towards the box, slowly opening the lid, and inside, was a glowing, red, crystal, laying on a pillow of fabric inside the box.
"Wow..." She gasped, picking up the crystal.
"Miss Offee! We are approaching Naboo! Get back down here."
Barriss turned around.
"On my way, Master." She places the crystal back in the box and took it with her to the bridge, walking quickly.
"Ah, I see you found my gift." Palpatine said, as Barriss sat down next to him.
"I have, thank you master. It will help a great deal..." she thanked her master.
"Brace yourself. We are coming into land."

Barriss Offee Where stories live. Discover now