Chapter 1 - The Letter

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10 Years Later after the tragedy...

I'm so happy today because there are letter coming this morning. Not an ordinary one I must say, for it's from the Academy of Highacre. I almost jump up and down and laugh like I just lost my mind.

"Zel? What are you doing in front of the door and smiling to yourself?" Mrs Lee ask me while holding a spoon in her right hand and tasting whatever she is cooking using the spoon. "Hmm...tasty,"

Mrs Lee is the one who take care of me since I was a child. She has black hair and now there is a few strain of hair that turning into grey. She is a beautiful woman even though there are already some wrinkle on her face especially around the corner of her eyes making her face look kind and gentle when she smile.

"I just got a letter from the Academy of Highacre. Guest what? I am accepted to study there," I said excitedly while smiling from ear to ear. I'm so happy I think this is the most beautiful moment I ever had. Well beside from splashing water with my best friend when we first meet beside the river, or when I manage to conjure earth magic for the first time.

"What!" she is shock and speechless right now, but then when the information registers into her mind she run to me and hug me "Congratulation my dear. I'm so happy for you," she then kiss me on the forehead. She pull me arm length, still holding her spoon, I'm sure there some substance dripping from the spoon to my cloth. I don't really mind cause I didn't take bath yet this morning.

"When will you go there? So that I can plan early for your trip," She asks me gently. It was always her voice that was slow and gentle. She never angry even when I do something wrong, but always advises me. She never hit me too.

"Next week. Don't worry about money, I got scholarship plus I do have some money from my saving," I said to assure her.

"It not about money Zel, it just that..."

"I returning to the place where my family die?" I finish the sentence before she could speak more.

"Yes. And I'm not ready to let you go. I worry that..."

"No need to worry aunty. I know you deem me as your own daughter and I regard you as my mother, but I must do this. It the only way for me to become stronger and maybe find some more information about my parent death and the rest of my family,"

"I know my lovely girl," she hug me once again before returning to her work. "Take a bath young lady. You smell like dump," she smile.

I sniff my armpit "It not that bad." I laugh a little.

"Right," she gave me one of her famous knowing look.


I choose to wear my usual clothing which consist of black pant, brown boot, black cloth, blue coat, andcompleting my style with my favourite black hat and a bracelet.

I want to meet my best friend today to tell him the good news. My only friend to be exact. I don't have many friends here in the village. Probably because I'm not the type who socialize with people beside my own family. I mean Mrs Lee is my only family left although we are not related by blood. I'm not that child 10 years ago anymore. After the tragedy, I became unhappy and lonely person. As to how I become friend with Felix Carlin is a wonder even to me and I'm grateful for that.

Felix Carlin is the same age as me and he live near the river. I guessed that how he find me and we become best friend ever since.

About 15minutes later, I finally arrive at his front door and currently knocking the door. "Felix! (knock the door twice) Felix!!" I shout again. I'm about to knock the door again before somebody open the door abruptly.

"Arzella! You're here," he say excitedly with a big smile on his face. Who else could it be if not Felix Carlin? My dear friend of mine. He give me a hug and usher me inside his house. Like many house in the village, his house were made with woods and two story high. His house isn't that small or too big, it just nice and perfect. I sit at one of the couch in the living room. "Water?" he asks.

"Sure. I do feel thirsty after walking so far," I said smiling.

"Oh peh-lizzz, your house is not that far from my home," he said in his sing-sang voices that make me want to punch him in the face. He goes to the kitchen and brings two glass of water.

"Here," I take the glass and drink until the last drop. I put the glass down on the table and wipe my mouth with my hand.

"Oh wow you sure like a person who does not meet water for a few days,"

"Shut up, and I be grateful if you bring me another glass of water,"

"Here take mine. I didn't drink it...yet,"

"Thanks," I said and drink half of the water. "By the way, I had some good news to share with you. That the reason I come here in the first place,"

"I has some good news to you know," he adjust his spectacle a little bit. Felix wears glasses since he had bad eyes-sight three years ago. Probably because he reading too much book for his own good. He know what other don't know and last I know, he just find a ways to read book two times faster than he normally does. For all I know, he probably memorize all spell that ever exist in the world.

"And what's that?" I ask. "Don't tell me another 'new' (quote with my two finger) magic you have found in the book," I role my eyes. Yup when we meet, he always talk about what he read.

He laugh "Ah beside that, well I do find some spell that..."

"Felix!" I glare at him in warning.

"Alright, alright I get it. How about we say the good news at the same time?" I just nod.

"I'm accepted to attend the Academy of Highacre," we both say at the same time.


"What? Wait you been accepted!?" we said again, same intonation, same expression that I begin to wander if we were twin in the past life.

Silent again.

Then both of us scream excitedly and laugh happily.

"We attend the same schools, how cool is that," Felix said after our laugh subside a little.

"Yeah. I don't need to find new friend that I have you,"

"Arzella," he sigh "We maybe in the same academy, but not in the same class if possible, we may not see each other much,"

"Don't worry about the future Felix. Just think positive,"

"I'm not worry about future Zel, I'm worry about you. You need to get out of your shell and see the world differently or...try to make new friend at least,"

"I will try," I assure him with weak smile.

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