Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 \\ Scorose - My Father Won't Hear About This \\ WICELA

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series nor everything that comes with it. The rights go to J.K. Rowling. The only thing I own is the holes in her stories that I filled with my fantasies.


The news that Rose and Scorpius were a "thing" spread quicker than the usual stuff. Actually, it went that far that the minute they hold hands in public - while Rose heavily blushed - the next lesson everyone was talking about it. And Lily? She was smiling so bride that people almost thought she was happier than the couple. But Rose didn't realize the news would spread also that quickly outside Hogwarts. Some boy named Creevy was taking pictures of them like all the time. Time was really flying and Rose was that excited about everything - Scorpius, results of the exams, more Scorpius, Creevy taking pictures, paparazzi - that she had no clue it might have been better if she'd told her parents about everything.

'Post is coming today! Mum said last time she would know now of the tickets of the match are fixed!' Lily said excitingly.

'Quidditch!' Rose grumbled. Keeping things separated, she was sitting with her house - and so her family - and Scorpius with his.

'What's that?' Albus asked when he saw the owl of his cousin.

'I don't know, I didn't expect any post. Or perhaps it's my mother, saying she wishes me good luck with waiting for the results and she has faith in me. But she wrote that last time too, would be weird if she would write it now again.'

'Perhaps it's true?' Lily said.

'No it's not like my mother an... NO WAY IT'S A HOWLER!' Rose stared at the letter. She was scared and didn't know how to react.

'You better open it. Maybe it's from uncle George, you know how he is.' Albus tried to cheer her up.

'It's my father's handwriting on the letter.' Rose sighted.

'Open it, we're with you.' Lily said.

'So is the entire school.'

'Yeah well, you don't have that much of a choice, do you?' Albus reminded her, giving her a sympathized look.

'ROSE WEASLEY. I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW DISAPPOINTED I AM. HOOKING UP WITH THAT MALFOY BASTARD? REALLY? I THOUGHT WE LEARNED YOU BETTER. AND THE WAY YOU TELL US THIS IS COMPLETELY UNAPPROVED. YOU HAVE BROUGHT US IN NO MORE SHAME THAN EVER BY LET US READING THIS IN A MAGAZINE. EVEN MUGGLES ARE AWARE OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP. THAT'S NOT HOW WE RAISED YOU. YOU ARE AWARE HE'S A MALFOY? YOU COULDN'T SINK DEEPER. WHEN YOU COME HOME, YOU AND I WILL TALK ABOUT THIS. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!' Everyone, literally everyone, was watching her. Rose looked down and quickly run away. She had disappointed her father. Well of course she did, what would she expected? Her father embracing the fact that they were together? Diner with the whole family? It was this bubble she was in, that was broken by him. It was true, they had no privacy. No privacy at all.


'It was my father, okay? It's him. And it's this. I couldn't disappoint him, but I did.'

'Do you regret it?' He didn't yell at her or something. He only asked.

'Well, you're worth it.' Rose said. And there were his arms again. Around her. Around the cocoon she'd made of herself.



'You're strong.'

'You're not angry.' He laughed at her stupid response.

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