Whatever it takes

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Loki ran to Dove, cutting her leg with his spear

"That the best you can do?" Dove yelled as she grabbed her wand and pointed it at Loki and yelled, "EXPELLIARMUS!"

Loki's spear dropped and he quickly picked it up.

The two battled. Dove had scrapes all over her while Loki only had a few scratches. She didn't want to hurt him. She wanted to save him. She knew what she had to do. She had to die.

"Whoever you are, when this is over and you have lost, I will be coming for you. No matter where I am or where I will go. I will get you." Dove yelled as she fought off Loki's spear

"I can't wait for your visit." Loki said with a evil grin.

"Expect me very soon." Dove said as she threw Loki backwards

She pinned him on the ground, with her wand pointed at his neck. She said "Tell them I said goodbye."

She closed her eyes and sighed for them to win. Loki has to overcome this man. His feelings had to overpower the brain control. Dove knew Loki loved her. So she had to die. He hurt her and it had no affect.

She made sure Loki was watching as she pointed her wand at her head and whispered "Avada Kedavra." Everything went black.

Loki saw this and his brain shocked back to his own self. He yelled in pain as he watched her die. The man had not control over him now.

The Avengers heard him yell and scream in pain and came to see if he had been captured. All they saw was him kneeling on the ground crying. Thor, who had become unfrozen yelled in pain as well. They saw Doves lifeless body with her wand pointed at her head.

Loki held his hands up to be cuffed as they did. But he refused to move from the ground.

Thor looked at his daughter. He saw her lifeless body. It was painful. The cheery little girl he knew, the happy and friendly Dove Odinson. Was now on the ground. Dead.

Dove woke up in a pearly white place. It was like a cloud.

"Hello?" Dove asked

"Hello Dove." A woman in a white dress spoke

"Who are you?" Dove asked

The woman turned around. It was her Mother.

"Mum?! What are you doing here?" Dove asked

"You are so brave. But why? You could have found another way." Her mother asked

"I didn't want anyone else to get hurt." Dove sighed

"But you went so soon. It wasn't your time." Her Mother said with a sad face

"I know.. but innocent people were dying for no reason. I died for a cause." Dove sighed

"You are my brave little girl. I love you so so much." Her Mother smiled

"I love you too. But where am I?" Dove asked

"This is your mind Dove." Her Mother replied

"This feels like a dream." Dove said

"Who says it isn't?" Her Mother replied

"Is it real?" Dove asked

"Yes this is real." Her Mother replied

"Can I see earth?" Dove asked

Her Mother nodded. She then handed her a tablet where Dove could see Loki and Thor on the ground crying. She could see the other avengers shedding a few tears as well.

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