Chapter 7

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Hey guys sorry i havent updated its just that i have started college and my laptop is annoying me too much and all of my fics are on there. Anyway here is chapter 7 my penguins


Chapter 7

Luke’s POV

“I like her Luke; I think she’s the one for you.” My mum tells me as I sit down next to her after saying goodbye to Demi.

“What makes you think she’s the one?” I asked putting air quotes over ‘the one’.

“She makes you happy and I haven’t seen you really smile since your father started to hurt you.” She said before turning back to the TV. Now that I think about it, what my mum said was true. I haven’t been happy since my dad started to beat me but put on a fake smile to fool everyone. Now I have Demi, I don’t need to fake smile. I only have to hear her voice, or laugh. I only have to see her smile or her big brown eyes. When she holds my hand, or when she hugs me and rests her head on my chest. Just everything about her makes me smile.

“I’m going to bed, night mum.” I said before making my way upstairs and into my room.

I look over towards Demi’s house to see her and Ashton arguing about something. I saw Ashton shout one last thing at her before storming out of the room and slamming the door. She stood there for a minute before sitting down on the bed and putting her head in her hands. I quickly picked up my phone and rang her.


“What’s wrong? You sound like you’re crying.”

“I’m fine just me and Ashton had an argument.”

“What was it about?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Do you want to stay over tonight? So you can both calm down.”

“If you don’t mind.”

“Anything for you. Just come round when you’re ready.”

“Thanks Luke.”

“See you in a minute baby.” I said before hanging up. I quickly walked downstairs and into the living room where my mum was still sat.

“Demi is staying over tonight. She just had an argument with her brother and is really upset.” I tell her and she just nods her head. I sit down next to her until I hear a knock on the door and walk over to open it. As soon as I opened the door she rushed in and wrapped her arms around my torso, resting her head on my chest. I took her bag and dropped it by the door before picking her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and he arms around my neck. I held her thighs as I moved back and kicked the door shut with my foot before walking into the living room and sitting down. She didn’t let go of me and just sat in my lap with her face buried in my neck. My mum looked over with a worried expression but I just shook my head telling her to leave it. I kept placing kisses to her temple as well as whispering that everything is ok in her ear. Once she had calmed down she lifted her head to look at me. I wiped away the stray tears that were rolling down her face before pecking her lips.

“Sorry for crying.” She said once I pulled away.

“Don’t be sorry about anything baby.” I tell her as I tuck some of her brown hair behind her ear.

“Thank you for letting me stay over.” She tells me as she rests her head back on my shoulder.

“Anything for you.” I tell her before wrapping my arms back around her. “Do you want to go upstairs?” I asked her. She nodded before standing up.

 We said goodnight to my mum before I grabbed her bag and we walked upstairs. Once we were in my room she sat down on my bed while I put her bag on the chair in the corner of the room before shutting the door. I walked over and sat down beside Demi and she rested her head on my shoulder.

“Do you want to talk about what happened between you and Ashton?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

“I told him about us and he kept telling me how you are going to hurt me and that I shouldn’t trust you. I argued with him telling him that you wouldn’t do that.” I felt myself tense up a little bit before I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her.

“I won’t do anything to hurt you. I promise.” I said as I pressed my lips to her forehead.

We stayed awake talking for a few hours before we lay down and I watched as Demi fell asleep. I started to think about the dare and I decided that I’m going to talk to Calum and try and get out of it. I cannot hurt her and I won’t let this dare make me lose her.

Lunch the next day at school

I told Demi to carry on into the canteen to sit with Michael while I spoke to Calum. I waited outside his classroom until he walked out and noticed me. We made our way outside and we walked to the tree that we stood under in the morning and lit a cigarette.

“I don’t know if I can do the dare Calum.” I told him while blowing out a puff of smoke.

“You have to Luke. You either do the dare and she doesn’t find out about it or I tell her everything.”

“How do I know you won’t tell her even if I stick with the dare?”

“You don’t know if I will or not. It depends if you do the dare.” He said before throwing his cigarette to the floor. “Think about it Luke.” He said before walking off. I took one last drag before following Calum inside and to the canteen to find Demi sat with Michael.

“Are you ok?” she asked as I pressed my lips against hers in a short kiss.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I told her and I looked to see Calum smirking at me. I will have to carry on with the dare otherwise she will find out. There is no guarantee that she won’t find out anyway but at least if I do it there is a small spark of hope inside of me that means I won’t have to lose her.

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