Chapter 4

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Mature part and mention of abuse. Sorry its not very good and not very long.


Chapter 4

2 Weeks Later

“Hey beautiful!” I heard Luke’s voice shout down the schools corridor. I stopped and turned to face him. Once he reached me, he pressed his lips against mine.

“So I was thinking that I’m taking you out tonight.” He said entwining out fingers together and walking us towards the canteen.

“And what if I’m busy tonight?” I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

“Then I will say too bad because you’re coming out with me.” He smirked as we walked over to his friends and sat down pulling me down next to him.

After School

Luke dropped me off at home before telling me to be ready in an hour. I quickly went upstairs and had a shower before drying my hair. I quickly curled my long brown hair and put my lip ring in before walking into my room to get changed. I quickly pulled on some black leggings and a black top with ‘Normal is Boring’ on the front. I pulled on some black converse before putting my phone in my pocket and walking downstairs.

“Hey Demi, where are you going?” I heard Ashton ask as I walked past the living room.

“Out with Luke.” I shout back before walking out the front door. I see Luke just making his way out of his front door and towards his car.

“Hey beautiful, are you ready to go?” He asks opening the door for me. I nod before going to climb in, only for him to stop me.

“What?” I ask looking into his blue eyes.

“Where’s my hello kiss?” he asks smiling. I lean forward and press my lips to his. Once I pull away he smiles before letting me climb into the car.

“Where are we going?” I ask after a few minutes of driving.

“A place I used to go to when I was younger.” He tells me, not taking his eyes off the road. After another few minutes we pull up near a small lake. There are flowers everywhere and a small grass part. I look over and see that Luke has gotten out of the car and has opened my door for me. I thank him as I get out and he takes my hand in his, leading me over to the grass part. He pulls a blanket out of the picnic basket he is holding and lies it down on the grass. He set the basket down before wrapping his arms around my waist with my arms around his neck.

“I used to come here when I was younger so I had time to myself when my parents were arguing. I liked it because no one comes here so I was alone to do whatever I want.” He tells me while resting his forehead against mine. “You are the first person I have ever brought here.”

“Thank you. It’s beautiful here.” I tell him turning my head to look over the lake. He lets go of me and sits down on the blanket. I sit down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

“After my mom died, I used to come to a pace like this back in England. It was like a small clearing in a forest. It had a small river running through it and it just let me forget everything that had happened. I had to be strong for Ash and that place allowed me to think about everything.” I told him looking down and playing with his fingers that he had entwined with mine.

“How did your mum die?” he asked looking down to our fingers.

“In a car accident. She died on impact so they say she didn’t feel anything.” I say as I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away as Luke pulls me into his arms and presses his lips against my forehead. We sit there like that for a while in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. After a while Luke pulls the picnic basket towards us and pulls out some food.

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