Chapter 5

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This is dedicated to Lukes_new_bae19 because her comment on the last chapter made me smile. Thank you for the support.

Sorry if its short and there are mistakes. i really cant be bothered to read through it at the moment.

Anyway. I got 5SOS concert tickets for next year in Birmingham on the 5th of June. Is anyone else going to one of their concerts? Let me know


Chapter 5

Luke’s POV

I waited by my car for Demi to come out. She has started to ride with me to school and I honestly don’t mind. I enjoy her company and no girl has ever made me feel the way she does. I have never had a proper relationship and normally only sleep around with girls, but Demi is different. I want to spend time with her and not only the way I did with other girls.  She is going to hate me as soon as she finds out this is a dare but I do actually care for her. Why did I have to make that stupid bet with Calum?

“Luke, are you ok?” I heard Demi’s voice ask. I lifted my head up and saw her stood in front of me. I pulled her into a quick hug before pressing my lips against hers.

“I’m fine babe, I was just thinking about something.” I tell her holding the car door open.

“What were you thinking about?” She asked once I was in the driver’s side and starting the car.

“Don’t worry babe, it’s nothing.”

Once we pull up at school I spot the boys stood under a tree to the side of the entrance of the building. I entwined mine and Demi’s fingers together before pulling her towards them. Once we reached them I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up before wrapping one arm around Demi’s shoulders.

“Hey guys.” I said as I blew out the smoke. Man I need this to take away the stress of this dare. Why the hell did I agree to it?

“Hey Luke, hey Demi.” Michael said smiling at us both. Once I had finished smoking we all made our way into the school. I walked Demi to her locker with the boys following me.

“I will see you at lunch ok babe?” I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Ok, see you later.” She said before I pecked he lips and walked towards my first class with Calum.

“So did anything happen yesterday?”  He asked as we sat down in maths.

“Yeah I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.” I told him staring out of the window.

“And did anything else happen?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah. Let’s just say she enjoys the feeling of my fingers.” I tell him smirking. I cannot tell him that I am starting to have feelings for Demi or he will make sure she finds out about the dare. Maybe she won’t ever have to find out about it. If I do make her lose her ‘innocence’ in 2 months then I will get the money but if I don’t then I will pay them. She never needs to know about the bet. She can’t know about the bet. I cannot lose her.

“So you are slowly taking it away then?” he asked, chuckling.

“Yep, slowly but I will get it.” I told him as the teacher walks into the room.

“There’s a party at the weekend, do you want to go?”  He asked.

“Maybe. I will think about it.” I tell him as the teacher starts the lesson.

“Hey babe.” I say as I wrap my arms around Demi’s waist while she gets things out of her locker. I heard her sniffling as she put a book away and I turned her round to face me. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked up at me. Does she know?

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I ask as I wrap my arms around her. She buried her face into my chest and wrapped her arms around my torso.

“People have found out we are together and all people keep telling me is that I’m just your next toy and that you are going to leave me soon.” She tells me as her body starts to shake as she tries to stop herself from crying.

“Baby, that’s not true. Yeah I was like that in the past, but those girls wasn’t you.” I tell her before pressing my lips to the top of her head. Thank god she didn’t find out about the dare. Now I am definitely making sure she never finds out. I hold her in my arms until she stops crying then she lifts her face up to look at me. I wipe away the stray tears before pressing my lips against hers.

“I like you way more than I did with those past girls. I will never hurt you. You are not some toy to me you are way more than that.” I tell her looking into her big brown eyes.  She nods at me before resting her head on my chest again.

“Do you want to go to lunch?” I ask as I stroke up and down her back. I feel her nod before she pulls away from me and closes her locker. I take her hand in mine before leading her into the canteen and over towards the boys.

“Hey Demi are you ok?” Michael asks as soon as we sit down. She shakes her head no before resting her head on my shoulder.

“What happened?” Calum asks.

“People at this school need to mind their own business and stop telling her things that aren’t true.” I say as I wrap my arms around her and placing a kiss to her forehead. “Do you want to come over tonight babe? We can have a movie night.” I ask her causing her to turn her head so she can look up at me.

“I would love that.” She says as a smile makes its way onto her face. I lean down and press my lips against hers in a small passionate kiss. She makes me feel something that I have never felt before. I feel sparks.

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