Chapter 3

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Sorry it has taken so long. I just have writers block on everything. Its horrible. I know where i want to go with this story i just dont know how to get there. Sorry if it is shorter than normal. 

Tell me what you think 


Chapter 3

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I sighed before rolling over and grabbing my phone off charge before holding it up to my face, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light.

FROM: Sexy Luke ;)

Get up I’m taking you to get something to wear for tonight xx

TO: Sexy Luke ;)

Ok give me 10 minutes x

I looked out of my window and saw Luke stood at his window smiling at me. I pulled the covers off my body and let the cool air nip at my skin. I waved at him before walking over to my wardrobe and pulling out some black skinny jeans and a short blue top that comes just below my boobs. I pulled out some blue Vans to go with my top as well as a clean bra and some clean underwear. I walked into my bathroom and quickly pulled on my clothes before pulling my still curly hair up into a high pony tail. I quickly put in my lip piercing and slipped on my shoes before grabbing my phone and some money and putting them into my pocket. I looked over at Luke and saw him looking over. I stuck my thumbs up to him to show I was ready. He nodded before walking out of his bedroom. I made my way downstairs and told my step-mum I was going out. I walked out and saw Luke leaning up against his car. He smiled when he saw me walk out and made my way towards him.

“Hey beautiful.” He said while kissing my cheek. When he pulled away, I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips. “Since when did you have a lip piercing?”

“My mum let me get one when I was 15, I just don’t wear it to school.” I said smiling up at him.

“It suits you.” He said before opening the passenger door for me to climb in. Once he was in as well he started to drive to the nearest mall.

“So why have you decided to take me to get something for tonight. I could’ve worn something I already own.”

“Where is the fun in that? And at least this way I will know it will be sexy.” He said looking over and smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him before looking out of the window. I’m still confused as to why he started talking to me. Why would someone like him want to talk to me? I mean he’s hot and his tattoos and piercings add to that, then there’s me that’s a ‘good girl’ who gets good grades and I never really get into trouble. Once we arrived he helped me out of the car before he entwined our fingers and locked his car. I let out a small gasp as he touched my hand. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and sparks ran up my arm that he was holding. Why am I feeling like this? Luke looked down at me before smiling and leading me inside.

“So where do you want to go first?” He asked me.

“I don’t know. You decide.” I said as I let him pull me into a shop.

“What size are you?” He asked while looking through some dresses. I told him my size and he started to pull out different dresses. Once he decided that there were enough dresses, he entwined our fingers again and dragged me towards the dressing room.

“You have to show me each one.” He said taking a seat outside the one I was in.

After about 5 different dresses, Luke had told me they weren’t good enough for ‘his girl’ whatever that means. I slipped on a bright pink and black dress. It was strapless and the top was pink and had little gold specks on it. When it reached the waist it turned into a plain black material and it came to mid-thigh. I walked out and saw Luke look up from his phone and bit his lip as he looked me up and down.

“Now that is a dress for my girl.” Luke said standing up and walking closer to me.

“Do I look ok?” I asked looking up into his blue eyes.

“You look amazing.” He said smiling down at me.

“So I should get this one?” I asked not moving my eyes away from his.

“Yes, you should definitely get this one.” He said smiling down at me. I smiled back before turning around and walking back into the dressing room and changing back into my clothes. I walked out with my dress in hand and walked towards Luke. He entwined our fingers together again, and again it had the same effect on me. I wonder if he feels it. I looked and saw Luke try to take my dress off me.

“Give me the dress so I can pay.” He said holding his hand out.

“You don’t have to pay.”

“I’m the one that wants to take you out so I am buying the dress.” He said as we got to the checkout and he pulled out his wallet.

“Luke you don’t have to do this.”

“Well I am so stop complaining.” He said handing his card over to the lady that was serving us. She smiled at us as I let him pay before handing me the bag that contained my dress. Luke entwined our fingers again before pulling me into a shoe store.

“I have some shoes at home I can wear with the dress Luke.” I told him trying to stop him from pulling me into the store.

“Please just let me buy you some new shoes.” He said stopping and pulling me into him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his forehead against mine.

“Why do you want to?” I asked looking up into his crystal blue eyes.

“I just want to make sure you look perfect tonight.” He said before kissing my cheek and pulling me into the shoe shop. I picked out some pink heels that were the same pink as the top of my dress before showing them to Luke. He smiled at them before taking them from my hands and heading over to pay for them.

“Luke, you need to stop paying for my things.” I told him as he took my hand again.

“Nope. I like to buy you things.” He told me smirking. We walked around other shops just talking but he never let go of my hand and when he did it was to wrap his arm around my waist. We walked back out to his car before driving back home.

“I will pick you up at 7.” He told me as we both got out of his car. He quickly kissed my cheek before we both walked into our own houses.  I looked at the time and saw it was half 5, so I quickly ran upstairs and had a shower before blow-drying my hair and straightening it but curling on piece at the front and pulled it back to clip it at the side. I started my make-up by putting on some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and a bright pink lipstick then putting in my lip piercing. When I had finished I pulled my dress on before walking into my room and slipping my feet into my heels. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a small black clutch bag before putting my phone into it. When I looked at the time I noticed that it was about to turn 7. I quickly made my way downstairs and told everyone I was going out, not that they cared anyway. I made my way outside and saw Luke stood leaning against his car waiting for me. I saw his eyes roam my body from head to toe before his eyes met mine. As soon as I reached him he pulled me close to him before kissing my cheek.

“You look amazing.” He told me. His blue eyes meeting my brown ones. I blushed looking down while I heard him chuckle.

“Get in the car beautiful.” He said before opening the door for me.

As soon as we got to the house Luke helped me out of the car before entwining our fingers together.  He led me into the house and we immediately found Calum, Michael, Josh and Ed. They handed both me and Luke a drink before they started to talk to Luke about something while I looked around the room. People were stood in groups talking over the thumping bass of the music. People were grinding on each other while others were just watching while drinking. I felt arms go around my waist and soft lips press to my cheek.

“Do you want to dance beautiful?” Luke asked as I turned my head to peer into his blue eyes. I nodded my head and set down my cup as Luke dragged me out onto the makeshift dance floor. His hands went straight to my hips as we danced to the fast tempo music, his eyes not leaving mine. After a few songs me and Luke had slowly began to move closer to each other. Our faces only inches apart. I saw his blue eyes flicker down to my lips before back up to my eyes silently asking permission. I nodded my head slightly and suddenly felt his soft lips press to mine making sparks erupt throughout my body.

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