Chapter 23

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she took a step away from me.. I was so angry... No i can't let her go away.

"What do you know Mi Amor?" I said.. She looked away from me..

"I won't beat around the bush..!! Just Tell me something very truthful Nick or Alpha" She said coldly..

"Are you werewolf?" She asked...

So. She find out "YES!" she shiver.. Her eyes flash with fear.. She gulped..

"We will leave this town.. Just give us sometime, and I promise I won't tell anyone... Amy and Ell doesn't know anything about you and this town being Werewolf.. Please don't hurt them... I.. I.. Will take them. Away..". What she said had me shaking in anger.

"NO...!! YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.. GOT IT" i screamed in her face.. She jerk away from my sudden bust.. The furniture shook around..

I was hanging on single thread to shift in my wolf..

"NICK... NICK!! CALM.. THE FUCK. DOWN....... LAILA SEEMS TO HAVR PANIC ATTACK" Zayn's yelled into my head and my eyes snapped back to Laila..

Her breathing was labour, she had clutched her chest.. "Laila!... Please breath..." Before I could continue she went limp in my arms.

"MATE!!" Zayn and I cried in Unison.. What I have done!!..

Lifting her in my arms I mindlink Jeena and Alex....


I gasp and opened my eyes, the room was dark.. Not too much dark a little light from the window..

I sat up in bed.. Where was I??! My mind scream.. Before I could pounder over it any more.. I was snapped back my familiar voice..

"You are awake?" Jeena's soft voice reached my ears.. She came and sat beside me.. Taking my wrist in her hand she started to Count my pulse rate.

After a minutes of silence she spoke "You fainted because of panic..." She said softly.. My eyes scan the surrounding.. I was in enormous huge room..and everything was black in color..

"How long was I fainted?" I asked her.. She smiled warmly at me.. "Five hours.." I gasp at her answer..

"Don't Panic.. Its not good for you right now.." She told me.. "Take breath slowly" I did what she told me..

"You were brought here by Alpha.. I mean Nicolas.. This room is his" She told me..
My eyes again roam around the room.. There was not a single piece of showpiece or frame.. And very less furniture..

"I want to go home" I said quietly.. Jeena sigh.. "We already informed Ell about it.. Don't worry" She said..

I gaze down to my fingers.. My mind was blank, I didn't know what to say.

"So you find out!?" Jeena said.. My face snapped up and I looked into her Eyes..

I nodded my head at her "How?" She questioned.. "I read a journal, which belonged to aunt Reha.." I told her "Beside, you guyz are not that good at hiding your identity.. With your behavior" I said quietly..

She chuckled.. "Or maybe we wanted you to find out" She said..making me stare at her unbelievable...

"Why would you say that?!" I asked her.. She crooked her head to side.. "You know why!" She questioned..

I took a shaky breath.. "Because I am Luna" I said.. She smiled again..

"Yes! Our queen" She declared.. I tremble as sudden realization sat on me.. "but I am scared Jeena.. For.. I.." She squeeze my hand..

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