May As Well.

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The thumping is louder then before.
My head throbs, its feeling sore.
But My heart breaks, even more.
Then The lights dim, and the bed dips.
Then The door shuts and my head spins.
And The world is scary but here it's safe but suddenly I need a break.
Once you leave I'm deep in the dark.
Once you go I'm covered in Marks.
The lock of the door signals yours departure.
The seconds tick past after each hour.
My mind wanders into the darkest corners.
My body stiffens with the feeling of disaster.
Why do these tears leave my body.
So cold and oh so lonely.
Here I lay, dearly beloved.
But no one bothers to even show up.
My mind is messy with the constant torment.
My heart is broken from the past I haven't fixed yet..
I pretend to be strong and fake my smile.
But once you return I restart the cycle.
You're not a person, you're a feeling.
Deep down in my chest I can feel it unending.
The demon with many arms lives inside, holding me captive in my own mind.
In my bed.
in my own torment.
Everything circles my head.
Fuck me
I may as well be dead.

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