I Want To Kill Myself

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I want to kill myself, it's time.
I'm sorry I just  couldn't do it.
It's all too hard and I'm not very strong.
Sometimes i feel like if I just gave up it would all be alot better.
I could just take a hand full of pills and go to sleep and never to be a problem again.
It sounds so nice to ease the pain.
All round me are people who've hurt me in one way or another just things they did or didn't do..
I could literally take a hand full of pills and it would all go away.
It would be so easy so why don't I just do it.
I think it's because of other people, I don't want to hurt anyone. I care too much, I think I might go for a walk, drown my mind out. But I can't promise that I'll come back.
I can't say that if a car comes barrelling down the street that I wouldn't jump out of the way.
I can't say that if I was standing a cliff and the wind was starting to blow me off That I would back away from the edge.
I don't know if I wanna kill myself but I know that I want to die.
I want to die.

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