The Shadows In The Woods

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The shadows in the woods haunt me, they watch me through the dark.
They see my every move and they know my every mark.
The shadows in the woods are powerful but still no one's sees.
The shadows the woods know what has never been.
I often wonder how they know, when I leave and when I go.
I often watch children go missing at dawn only to return when their parents have gone.
I hear the sirens call, I hear the news report it all
I know where they go and I see what no one has before
I try to tell them, to make them see.
The shadows in the woods are just like you and me.
They are so lonely they only wish for love but no one see what they have until its lost.
I wait until the sun sets when the shadows are no longer shadows but the colour of the earth, the dark and light are the same just different then from before
The shadows in the woods aren't shadows at all, they are the children who have been long gone.
When I realise this I run back home, banging on my mother's door telling her I'm home. I bang and bang loud as I can. It seems that no one hears me then the porch lights turn off.
I look towards the street to see that I am the one who is lost.
I see myself there lying in the road, cold and alone.
The shadows surround me picking me up they take me back home to where its rough. Now I understand, now I see, the shadows all along, they have been me.

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