Just a Dream

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*photo of Spencer*

I wake up to the sun on my face. My head throbbing. Where the hell am I? I sit up in bed and notice the large hunk of a man sleeping next to me. Oh my god who is this? Where am I? I cant remember anything. I get out of bed realizing I'm in some mans shirt, am i married to this man? I walk into the bathroom and nearly scream at my appearance. I had bruises all over me, my eye was blackened, my jaw was bruised, i had a cut on my lip. Did he do this? Why is my hair pink? I look out the door to make sure the large man was still sleeping. I tip toe over to the closet looking for something to wear. Why is everything black? I walk over to the other closet and see stuff thats more colorful. I grab a red tank top and a pair of high waisted jeans. I grab a pair of tennis shoes and slide them on, looking over i see it is almost noon. I tip toe to the door and quietly close it.
"JuniPoo!" A tall man and a Blond woman come running over to me i freeze.
"I'm sorry, i was just leaving! Sorry for intruding on your home. It's lovely by the way, um not to be awkward but i dont want to hurt his feelings when he wakes up. I dont remember what happened but just tell him he was great for me?" I smiled and started to walk out the door.
"Juniper what are you talking about?" The man steps towards me. Oh god am i there hostage?!
"Now you listen to me! I dont know who you are but if you think you can keep me hostage here you have another thing coming buddy." I back up to the door.
"Juniper please calm down and tell me what the hell is going on. Baby sis i wanna help you." Baby sis?
"Your my brother?" I stop looking at him "Who's Juniper?"
"Listen to me. I'm Ollie, your big brother. This is your best friend Sage. Dont you remember us?" I blinked rapidly.
"I'm sorry but no. I don't know you."
"Whats your name?" Ollie asked me. I thought about it. Oh my god i cant remember my name?
"I-I-I dont know. I dont know my own name. What happened to me?" I started crying.
"Listen to me, you were mugged yesterday after you went for a jog. You were beat pretty badly and you hit your head on the concrete. We need to take you back to the hospital okay?" I nodded.
"So i was mugged? The guy i woke up with didnt do this?" I asked, and the man glared at me.
"The man you woke up with? No Dean didn't do this, however if you dont remember anything that happened yesterday he could play a decent part in why you cant remember anything." I blushed as he held my hand and guided me out to a car. It was a really old looking car.
"You drive this?" I asked him "It looks so old." He started laughing hysterically.
"Juni, this is your baby." I scrunched up my nose.
"What is wrong with me? I have pink hair, I drive a junkie car, I get mugged in an Ally. Are we gangsters or something? Drug dealers? Whats wrong with us?" He laughed some more.
"Sweet pea, we are cops babygirl." Oh, the other side of the law. I blushed.
"That makes sense I guess." The hulk guy from my bedroom and the Blond i couldnt remember the name of hurried over and got into the car.
"Whats going on? Why are we taking Juniper to the hospital."
"Whose Juniper? And is she okay?" I asked the guy in the drivers seat.
"Hun you are Juniper. This is why we are going to the hospital remember?" I blinked. I dont remember this?
"No, i guess i forgot. Is this your fault Mister Hulk man." I glared at the large man who got in the car.
"Hulk man?" They said in unison.
"I dont know your name and your an abnormally large man. Like seriously what do you do?" I looked him up and down.
"Oliver get out of here and get her to the hospital." Hulk man spoke to Oliver.
"Right away Mister Hulk man." Oliver laughed. I think he's making fun of me. I cross my arms and glare at him.

I was sitting on the bed in the hospital room. The doctor was really nice, they were able to give me an IV and draw blood without it hurting. He was really funny too.
"Okay so blood tests came back normal. Your cat scan shows you still have a pretty severe concussion. Did you have any trouble sleeping? Night mares? Did you hit your head in your sleep at all?" I stared at him. I couldnt remember.
"Yes she had two really bad night mares. She could have hit her head when she was thrashing around." The hulk man said,
"You would know, since your a creep who sneaks into random peoples beds." I glare at him crossing my arms. Oliver starts laughing again as Hulk man just stares at me not knowing what to say.
"Juni, he's your partner and your best friend. You asked him to stay with you after you got mugged." The blond girl said. Oh, now i kind of feel bad.
"Okay well the concussion plays a huge part in the memory loss. Most likely its her brains way of protecting itself from the pain of the concussion and the trauma of the night before. As her brain heals her memory should come back fully. I'd say five to seven days max. I'm gonna schedule you an appointment for Monday to follow up okay? Just make sure you stay home and relax all week. For the rest of today if you go outside or watch TV i want you wearing these sunglasses. No phones, no technology, minimal Television. You need to reset your brain. Let it heal. I suggest having your brother or Mister hulk man with you at all times. Okay Juniper?" I nodded and he handed me a pair of glasses as we left.

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