Night Changes

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I do a little dance in the elevator. Oh how i love being right.
"Are you going to share your excitement?"
"There's a mole in the system!" They were still confused. "Okay i told Dean this the other night but I had a theory that the reason we cant get a big enough lead on this case is because there is a mole in the system leaking our leads so the other side is always ahead of us. From now on this case is just between us and Reggie. No one is to discuss anything nor give up your position undercover. We are strictly these persona's until we know other wise."
"And why do you believe what Spencer said?" Ollie says glaring at me.
"Look we broke up, its over, but he didn't do anything to make me not trust him. We ended on Okayish terms."
"Okayish? You broke the mans heart." Sage said laughing. I groaned.
"It's not my fault guys fall in love so easily. I told him from the start my career was my life. He agreed to the terms and HE tried to crawl out of it. So that wasn't completely my fault." The elevator opened and we walked out to Baby. I put the key in the door to unlocked it before unlocking the rest of them.
"I don't know I feel like he could be the kind of guy to do some shady shit to you. Especially since he could of called anyone but he called you."
"That's a good point." Dean said agreeing with my brother.
"Look, I'm keeping this between us. We don't need to involve anyone else from the force in it. We wont relay any more information to Spencer and we will be okay." I say stopping there conversation.
We walked into the bar and Sage dragged Ollie off to the dance floor, leaving me and Dean at the bar. I ordered some pretzel bites and a coke and sat down.
"You look really nice tonight." He looked over at me smirking.
"Don't get used to it." I took a shot and ordered a beer.
"How are you cooler then most of the guys i know?"
"I grew up following in thats footsteps." I pointed to my brother dancing around my best friend.
"Point taken." I stare off into space not feeling this night out at all. I look over and he was still staring at me.
"Can i help you?" I smirk at him and he blinks.
"Sorry I got lost in thought," he scratched his head.
"Don't." He looked at me.
"What?" I looked him in the eyes.
"What I said is true, my career is my life. I don't have time for distractions. So I advice you to get lost in thought with someone else."  I stood up and walked outside for some fresh air.
"Need a smoke?" A man walks over smacking a pack of cigarettes in his hand.
"No thinks, I quit two years ago." He smiles.
"Wow impressive."
"Thanks, got a name?" I smiled looking at him. Ive learned to always flirt with any guy who talks to me here. Being the bartender has its perks when it comes to getting information.
"Tobias. Toby for short." He lit up a cigarette, taking a puff. "And you?"
"Karen." I smirked.
"Karen? It suits you." Hah yeah i know. It's why i chose it for my alter ego. He smiles at me.
"So whats your story? You at a bar alone?" I twirled one of the curls laying on my chest.
"No i was supposed to meet some people hear, but they got caught up with work. So I'm alone now."
"Interesting. Where do you work?" I step closer smiling.
"My dad owns a company, I just am the representative for it. It's called Chem Tech? Maybe you know it?"
"Yeah they make like soap or something right?"
"Yeah dish soap and laundry soap. Some other things I dont keep track of. That's someone else's job." I throw in a laugh. Making a mental note to check into this business later.
"Your gorgeous. Why are you here alone?" He leans against the fencing around the club.
"I'm here with my brother and his girl friend." I smile leaning closer to him. He was attractive, and I was a using it to my advantage since he found me the same way.
"So your boyfriend?"
"The one that doesn't exist? Yeah he's inside too." He laughs and I smile back. I see Dean standing in the corner of my eye. He's glaring at Toby before turning and going back inside.
"Can i buy you a drink?" I contemplate then agree as we walk inside. This guy is red flagging me for some reason.
"What are you havin today? Hey Karen!" I look up at Frank who winked at me. He works in the force and knows when I'm with unknown people, its Karen not Juni or Nikols. I smile.
"a beer please, thanks Frank."
"You know him?"
"Yeah I'm a bartender here on the week nights. 8 to midnight." I smile and he rests his head on his elbow.
"Really? How cool."
"Hah, no. It gets me through college though. I'm an English major." I beam proudly at my lie.
"I get that. I was a barista when i was in school. You a junior?"
"Super senior actually, It's my fifth almost sixth year in."
"wow going for your masters aye?"
"Yeah its cool i guess."
"Smart, funny, and beautiful? Wow your like the perfect package." He smiled at me. BLEH. Mentally vomits. I force a girly giggle, which makes him smile even more. His phone dings and he looks at it, his face dropping.  "Oh damn, well i gotta go. I'd like to see you again, say here Friday?  8 pm?" Ugh great.
"Yeah sure I will see you then." He grabbed my hand kissing it before leaving. I watch him walk out the door before dropping my face and walking into the back room of the bar.
"That was painful." Frank was sitting laughing his ass off.
"No kidding, he was so cheesy i actually mentally puked in my mind." I go to his computer and fire up an email to Paul.
To: Paul
From: Nikols
Subject: Candy Canes for the Holiday Party

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