😱🙀Fear The Egyptian Gods😰😨

Start from the beginning

At that moment Isra and Qetesh hear a familiar female voice call out "monsters unite! without us all hope is lost we must join forces with the humans and together we shall defeat the Great Beast now go!"  as little pink bubbles fly out of the auro...

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At that moment Isra and Qetesh hear a familiar female voice call out "monsters unite! without us all hope is lost we must join forces with the humans and together we shall defeat the Great Beast now go!"  as little pink bubbles fly out of the aurora borealis light in the sky then they float down and start attacking the Leviathan Seto, Joey and Atem watch as a light that matches the color of Qetesh and Isra's hair and eyes shines around the two women then they become surrounded by a large group of all different types of Blue Eyes White Dragons and Dark Magicians the only DM that was missing was Dark Magician Girl the Dark Magician looks down at his sisters and they point up at the Leviathan Dark Magician nods and all the DM's and the BEWD's fly up to help attack the Great Beast "well are you dorks just going to stand there or do you think you can act like men for a change?"  Seto asks once he gets over his shock of seeing the two girls call forth every BEWD and DM known and unknown to the Duel Monsters game "I'll show you a dork"  Joey replies Isra and Qetesh chuckle as Joey says while placing some of his monster cards on his duel disk "check out these bad boys-- Gearfried, Rocket Warrior and Gilford the Lightning"  Seto says "I play XYZ Dragon Cannon, Blade Knight and Kaiser Seahorse"  Atem says "I'll add these three cards-- Black Luster Soldier, Buster Blader and Valkyrion"  every monster they called forth went to help the others fight the Leviathan "be careful up there!"  Isra and Qetesh whisper softly the knights that have yet to let go of their hands give them a light squeeze "that thing's toast there's no way it can survive this butt kickin oh yeah what'd I say?"  Joey says "to be honest I don't think anyone was listening Joey!"  Qetesh teases as Dartz laughs "ok.... maybe he was!"  Qetesh says Seto laughs Atem shakes his head with a smile "what's so funny?"  Joey asks Dartz  "you'll have to do better than that"  Dartz replies as every monster the guys called forth are pushed off the Leviathan and destroyed "you hurt our brother Dartz and I swear upon every Egyptian God you WILL regret it!!"  Qetesh growls with a dark angry tone into his nonexistent heart "and who is....!?!.... ah that explains the extra shielding around him!"  Dartz replies slightly amused "no.... that's because they were summoned by US and not by some CARD!"  Isra tells him Dartz's eyes widen in surprise as they were talking Joey says "oh boy guys looks like we're gonna need a plan "b".."  Seto says with a surprised tone "no way!"  Joey says "it's not over yet that side show freak still has to get past our knights"  just then the Great Leviathan's eyes glow gold "you just had to say something!"  Qetesh mutters softly as what could only be described as little diamond shaped icicle crystals fly down and head straight for the knights "stay strong guys!"  as the Knights as well as Isra and Qetesh are surrounded by smoke Seto couldn't find any words to say he was too worried about and afraid that he had lost the one he loves yet again and this time in a much worse way than before  "you're our last hope!"  Atem says Timaeus looks over at Qetesh and Isra as they create a shield to protect him and his fellow knights "stop!.... you know as well as I that this must happen.... go back to your loved ones.... everything will be alright.... thank you my friends!"  Critias and Hermos turn to look at the two women and nod in agreement Isra and Qetesh reluctantly drop their shield and the knights are destroyed Seto and Atem rush over to Qetesh and Isra and hug them close to their chests "we tried Atem!"  Isra whispers softly with a sad tone "it's alright.... the only thing that matters now is that you're both safe!"  Isra and Qetesh hug their hearts tighter as Dartz says "so much for your last line of defense"  Joey replies "that does it bring it on you mutant"  Isra tells him "you mustn't act so hastily Joey!"  as Atem replies "not the best time to be insulting him Joey"  Dartz laughs as he sends a gob of black ooze/goo flies down and hugs Joey, Atem and Seto tightly "this is gross!"  Joey shouts as he tries to break himself free and the three of them get pulled up to the Leviathan "Seto!!"  Qetesh shouts "Pharaoh!"  Isra shouts knowing full well that no one is suppose to know that he knows his name the family of DM's and BEWD's that Isra and Qetesh summoned fly down to them and hug them close trying to comfort them as they hear Dartz say "not to worry gentlemen you're about to be reunited with your friends they're all waiting for you inside the belly of the beast"  Seto, Joey and Atem's bodies hit the side of the Leviathan Dartz laughs then says "I'm afraid your resistance is futile in just a few short moments your energy will be absorbed by the Great Leviathan but don't take it from me take it from them"  Atem asks "what do you mean by "them"?"  Dartz replies "just listen"  Atem asks "Dartz what's going on?"  then he hears Rafael's voice call out "pharaoh...."  Atem asks softly "is that you Rafael?"  Seto hears Alister's voice say "Kaiba help"  Seto says "Alister"  Joey hears Mai's voice say "please save us"  Joey says "oh no what Dartz said is true we're too late everyone he caught is inside of that monster"  Seto and Atem look down at Isra and Qetesh and the two women seemed to shine like a light trying to conquer the dark....

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