7. The Morning After

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Chapter Seven

Anrielle stirred from her sleep. She brought her hand up as a yawn. A chuckle came and she looked up to his majesty who was smiling. She blushed at the dream she had. That they had kissed in her dream.

Darien caressed her cheek. "Did you sleep well?" She nodded as she moved away slightly. She rested her head on a pillow next to his. They stared at each other for a moment enjoying this small private moment of theirs.

His thoughts went to last night. He saw that her eyes were still slightly puffy from that crying. "If you wish, you could stay in bed longer. You must still be tired." She nodded as she tried to hide the small yawn she had. "Then stay and relax."

Unthinking, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. When he pulled back he saw her eyes were wide with shock. Slowly her eyes traveled up to meet his. He was stunned at their mere beauty.

It was a moment before she realized she had looked at him. She bowed her head so quickly that his majesty just blinked and then he saw how she was. He saw her blush streak from the top of her head to below her neck.

He tried to lift her chin, but she would move. He felt her breathing heavy. Was she afraid? Was she unsure about how he would react to seeing her eyes?

He decided he would change his tactics. He slid down the bed so that he could meet her eyes. "Please don't take them away. I have wished to see them for so long. Almost as long as I've been wanting to hear your voice."

He saw her smiled shyly before she lifted her eyes the small distance to meet his. He smiled too. "That's better." He tilted his head to the side slightly. As best as he could really. "Will you continue to let me see them from now on? They are so beautiful."

The blushed deepened as she nodded still looking him in the eyes. He smiled more brightly as he caressed her cheek. He loved really seeing those eyes. Those sapphire gems that were beyond perfect.

"Oh my angel." He breathed.

Anrielle looked away then. She closed her eyes and felt both light yet weighted. Someone knew what she was. Had seen her eyes and called her an angel.

His highness moved to hover over her. "Please let me in. I wish to know everything about you. Please speak to me and tell me all about who you are."

A tear fell. She wished she could tell him, but that would be hard. He caught the tear. "I will wait forever if that is what it will take. Anything for you."

A timid knock which made his majesty sigh. "A moment." He offered to the door. "That would be my morning getting started. I'll have them dress me in the front room. Stay and relax. You don't even need to get dressed for the day if that is what you feel."

She nodded and he kissed her hand that he brought up between them. He didn't want to step any more out of what she felt as comfortable. He had already done it several times already this morning and shouldn't at the time being.

He climbed out of bed feeling very happy to get everything over with today so he could come back here to her. He smiled at her as he pulled the door shut that separated the two rooms. He sighed longingly wanting to fling the doors back open and stay with her the whole day. He knew that if heaven was with them, then there would be at least one day they would get to. The one day no one would dare to disturb them except for food.

He sighed again. Only if she would except that too. He dreamt now that she would be his queen. He couldn't see anyone else filling the most wondrous place to him. Yesterday with the rose bush brought it more into focus for him. He wanted to propose to her and have her as his.

He bid the maids enter and a guard came in with them. It was something that he had made sure they did yesterday as a precaution. He and his captain of the guard had come up with many things to ensure both his lady and himself were completely safe. Though after last night, they will have to see to more precautions.

They dressed him for the day. One maid was about to see if the lady Anrielle was up, but his majesty to the maid not to disturb her rest. That she could stay in bed as long as she wished. That she needed it after what happened during the night. She bowed and stepped away from the door.

His majesty left with one last glance at his bedroom door. His longing to return to her was great, but he knew his day had to start. The sooner he leaves, the soon he could return. Return to the one he wished to be with for the whole day.

Anrielle felt herself drifting back to sleep the moment his highness closed the doors. Her body scooted more to where he had been laying. The feel of the last of his body heat mixed with hers and she sighed. It felt nice being like this.

She wondered again why she was here. She didn't know if falling in love was alright. This was so new to her and she was so unsure. They had not told her anything like this could happen. They must know its possible yet they keep it from all. Possibly to prevent younger ones from searching for love.

That must be it. They had to come to it all their own. To know it is real. But can she really fall in love. If she did, would they fully take her wings away? Are her wings already taken away?

Could she have lost her wings when she saved his life? No. She wouldn't have seen that vision if they didn't want it to happen. If it was someone's time, then there would have been no visions. Yet she has had two thus far. Two centered around the man that her heart yearns to have back in this bed. Yearns to hold her.

So she really was in love? Her heart and soul were telling her so. She embraced his pillow and still could smell his scent in it. The scent soothed her and put the tiniest of sweet smiles on her face.

Her sleep was relaxing as her memories of his majesty took shape in her mind. The way he looks at her. Kisses her hand. Each caress against her skin. All of it made her feel at peace. A kind of peace she didn't know existed. And she didn't know if she could live without it when she returned to her home.

She shot up when there was a loud clink that wake her and then a groan. She saw Salic with a tray in his hands. He was frowning at something on the tray. He set the tray down and moved a silver goblet that seemed to have spilled.

He turned around to look sadly at Anrielle. "Forgive me my lady. I wanted you to sleep longer, but I accidentally stumble on the edge of the rug. And I fear I have ruined your breakfast."

She smiled sweetly as she wiggled out of the very large bed. She went over to him and gave his cheek a kiss before she turned to the dish. She giggled knowing he hadn't ruined it. It was milk in the goblet and it fell into a porridge. She was going to do that anyways.

She sat down and started to eat smiling the whole time. She even ate a few green grapes that were on the tray along with the several spoons full of porridge. It seemed that he was happy she didn't mind the milk. In fact he thought that it was amazing that she loved it.

He helped her put on an simple over coat and they talked while they stayed in the king's room. Every so often he saw her eyes flicker to the door. He knew that look on her face. She wanted his highness to be here with her. He wasn't offended. He thought it was about time his majesty was happy.

Salic had watched the young man grow from a wee baby. He had seen the same look from his majesty since he came of age. Any woman around him were only interested in the crown and his highness knew it. He rejected each one politely and like a gentleman.

Now Salic had hope. He just hoped it works out for both of them. He had become attached to this wonderful woman. Loved seeing how bright she gets when his majesty sees her. The looks she gives. The longing yet the restraint not to speak. The look of uncertainty of her situation. The trust she was giving everyone around her.

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