To: Who I Was (6)

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My room was a blush pink from elementary up until my senior year of high school. These walls have heard, seen, and felt everything. 

I wonder how many hiccuped cries they heard all through the night. Or if they too felt pain when I would bang my fists against them pleading "why am I not enough?"

How many days in a year did they see me? 

I wonder if they noticed I had lost myself, even if I was still physically there. 

Eventually, I got tired of pink. Of neglect, misery and self destruction. 

Then the day came where I painted the walls white. 

To: You

Change is terrifying. I fear change almost as much as I fear my loved ones leaving me. However, as the saying goes, you cannot flourish in the same environment that broke you.

This is your sign to make a change for your happiness. You are more important than anything else.  

TO: YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora