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"Found it " Jessica, my best friend said running into the room with a bottle of our favourite wine in her hand.

I had just gotten Jayson, my son to sleep in his bed after the rough day we had. Jayson is only 6 months old and just like any young boy he loves his father. But Leon has a demanding job and most of the time he comes home just in time to play with his son.

Me and Leon met 6 years ago at a wedding. We didn't speak that day but our friendship and relationship grew in school.

The thing that most attracted me to him was that he had this plan for his life, Leon had his future all mapped out. He wasn't messing around he knew what he wanted and was hungry for success. You try and tell me that isn't attractive.

Last night me and leon were arguing about how he never spent time with his son. I wanted him to create a bond with Jayson but he is too focused on his growing company rather than his fast growing son.

I screamed and hit him and I ended up in our bed alone after he shoved a nights worth of clothes in a bag and left. He had the money to go anywhere, where he would sleep tonight didn't worry me.

All couples argue I know that, but there's only so much I can take. It's either about him not being home or the countless times i accuse him of prioritising other women over me. After all I was just the woman who stayed at home taking care of our son.

I stay home most days with taking shifts at my brothers shop as his co-owner. He doesn't like how i am in charge of taking care of Jayson but he was helpful in providing me with a job that i didn't have to leave the house for.

Before Jayson, I was the editor for a magazine but I had to resign due to the responsibilities of taking care of Jayson.

" you can't seriously be happy with Leon " Jess says as we watched a tv show in the lounge. I had invited her over to stay the night after telling her the fight we had last night.

This was a usual event for us, every week we fought about just about anything.

I looked at her " I can't just be selfish Jess, I have my son to think about and he deserves to have a life with his parents, both of them even if sometimes it can be unbearable" I tell her as I stare at Jayson who was playing on the carpet.

She doesn't have children so she can't understand that you just have to sacrifice for your child.

" Jayson may only be 6 months but he wouldn't never want you to suffer. Leon doesn't deserve you and you're sacrificing way too much for him " As you can tell Jess isn't Leon's fan. At the beginning of our relationship she adored him but recently He has been giving her reasons to despise him.

" just think about it at least " she added on as she turned to face the screen again.

I nodded " I will " I replied to her, my eyes falling to my phone. It was depressing that I kept looking at my phone waiting for him to message me. We watched tv for the rest of the night until both of us fell asleep.

I woke up at 5 am when I heard my son crying. He was screaming my name from his room, like he always does when he wakes up from his sleep.

I grabbed my jumper and rushed to meet Jayson who was sat up in his bed.

" oh my sweet baby mummy's here" I said picking him up and bringing him into my chest.

His head rested on my chest as I rubbed his back. His cries were calming down now as he leant on my chest, he could probably feel my beating heart.

Jess joined me in the room with a bottle of milk for him. I knew he needed to be changed and probably was wondering where his father was. This was the time he would normally get back from work unless he told me otherwise.

Enough For HimWhere stories live. Discover now