Chapter 4

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Authors note: I know all of you are big fans of Sam and Harry, but I have to change the family positions and genders of a few. I need Tom to have a sister, and two twin cousins because of events that happened in my life so my friend and I have nominated Paddy to being the girl. Along with that, Sam is now Samantha, and Harry is Samantha's twin brother and they're both tom's cousins. Truly sorry but that's just the people that were affecting my life and it has to be right. So deal with it peeps.

Also my dad irl calls me bunny, which is actually a term of endearment so don't question that. At least i put sweetheart for what mom calls you and not 'Anak' like my filipino mom says, which literally means child

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up the next morning and saw there were only two message from Tom. I opened them up and read them.

Good night beautiful, see you tomorrow. At 10:49 pm

Good morning (Y/n), sleep well? At 6:02 am

The guy was an absolute sweetheart. I couldn't believe it. I still felt really bad for ditching him the way I did yesterday. It was really mean of me to do that.

I did sleep well. Hey I'm really sorry for ditching you yesterday then not giving an explanation. 

I knew I owed him an explanation, thank goodness he answered immediately.

Its fine, were things moving too fast for you or something?

Moving to fast? What the bloody hell did he mean by that. I sent him a quick 'No, everything was fine' just so i could have a little more time to think about what he meant.

He didn't respond for a while, this gave me time to start my Thursday morning. I got up, went to the kitchen, and started the coffee machine. No one else was awake, so I decided to make some breakfast for them all.

I kept it simple, cooking was hard. I threw in some canned grands biscuits into the oven, then made a packet of powdered gravy where you just add some water while its in a pan on the stove and it becomes the perfect gravy mix for biscuits and gravy. 

By the time everything was done, my dad came out to the kitchen, walking like a zombie as he grabbed his big coffee cup and began making his coffee.

I set out plates for everyone so that we could have breakfast, then I would go and hang out with Tom. Usually my overprotective mom wouldn't be of approval, but she had work today and my dad let me do anything.

Mom came down a few minutes later dressed for work. When she saw the food she smiled, taking a seat and putting her stuff down. "Morning sweetheart." When she said this, dad chimed in too. "Morning bunny."

"Morning Mom, morning Dad." I greeted them in response. The three of us sat down, boy was it nice being an only child. We all served up biscuits and gravy for ourselves, then began eating quietly.

My mom was first to finish, then I finished second. My dad ate more than us so while he was finishing up I began doing the dishes. My mom did last minute things before work, then hugged my dad and myself before leaving. Phew, she was gone. 

I got up, sprinting to my room and changing into some skinny jeans, a shirt that was my favorite color with my favorite fruit on it, and some put on some socks. I ran a hand through my hair afterwards and did my normal beauty routine. When I was satisfied with it all, I ran back into the kitchen to dry off the clean dishes and put them away so my dad wouldn't bug me about it later.

Once that was all done I went to school, had a normal boring day. I sw Asian gang, saw my friends Rylee and Jesse, and did the work.

When i got home, I did the homework as fast as possible, did the laundry, swept the floor a little because it looked super dirty, then folded some of my clothes.

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