Chapter 7

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A/N There is a poll at the end of this chapter. Please make sure you take it bc its your opinion on wording for the story and its very important. Thank youuuu.

The week went by fast, Tom and I just doing our normal little meetings at the school. We had plans to hang out all day on Saturday and Sunday because my parents were leaving for a trip saturday morning at 4 am and were coming back sunday evening.

Because my parents didn't know about Tom, I told them I was going to (Y/bf/n)'s house, which was a couple blocks away from my house. In the other direction of Tom's place. They trusted his parents so there was no need to call them to check up on me.

Around 9 am saturday morning, I was awoken by someone calling me. I was so tired I didn't even get to read the caller ID, and answered with a growly, sleepy "Hello?"

Tom's heavenly chuckle answered me seconds later. "Good morning sleepy head, I'm on my way over to your place. Don't get out of bed okay? Just tell me where your spare key is." He said to me.

I yawned. I could tell he was on his way here because I could hear the sound of his skateboard as he rode over here. "There's no spare key, just enter the pin code to open the garage door and then come into the house. The pin is ****." I said, cuddling into my blankets.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few darling." Tom said, hanging up the phone call.

I laid in bed, drifting off into sleep again, only to be awoken a few minutes later by my door creaking open and someone crawling into bed with me.

Tom smiled, cuddling up to me and spooning me. He was laying over the blankets, and I was laying under them, so not much direct contact, but I immediately felt his soft lips brushing against my neck and cheek softly.

I giggled. "Good morning." I whispered softly.

"Morning my darling, I brought you breakfast." He said, holding up a small lunchbox.

I giggled even more. "You actually cooked for me. I hope it's not poisoned." I said, taking the lunchbox from his hands gently. Tom sat up first, getting off the blankets so I could get up as well. When I was sitting up I pulled the blankets and leaned against him, opening up the lunchbox and seeing what was inside.

Inside was a ziplock with one whole, homemade waffle cut into fourths. It looked like it had chocolate chips in it, so I was super excited. The next thing was mashed strawberries. "Those are to dip the waffles in." Tom said, I nodded and continues pulling out the food he made me. Next was an egg scramble with bits of bacon, sausage, and cheese in it. I smiled, taking out the utensils.

"Thank you Tom, this is so sweet of you." I said, kissing his cheek and beginning to eat the food. I ate the waffles first, dipping them into the mashed strawberries just like Tom had told me to do.

The combo was practically heaven to me, and I was practically in breakfast heaven, like those stupid commercials where the person was floating on syrup? Yeah, that was me at the moment.

Once I finished the waffles, I grabbed a spoon and finished the strawberries. They weren't loaded with sugar, so they would be healthy for me. Once that was all gone, I went onto the egg scramble. In all honesty, I hated normal eggs, but this was super good because of all the sausage, bacon, and cheese in it. Once I finished it all, I put everything back into the lunchbox nicely.

"Did you like it?" Tom asked, I nodded. "I loved it Tom, I even ate all of it." I said, giving him a duh face and giggling. If I didn't like it, I would have stopped after the first bite. But it was really really good, and I loved it.

Tom smiled. "Good, now let's get you up and dressed. We have a fun day ahead of us. I'll wait downstairs for you okay? Maybe play with your doggo." He said, getting up and taking the lunchbox.

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