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Authors note; Depending on how old you are, this story may be in the past or the future for you. I'm just choosing the ages as which I went through these same events, and making it into a Tom Holland X Reader story so you guys can enjoy it. Please please please do not come to me when you finish the story with your sympathy, because I simply don't want it. I just want you do enjoy the story. Okay? Okay good. Have fun.

Summer vacation. A child's favorite thing in the world. It meant no school, no homework, just playing outside with your friends and going to sleep at 4 am. Summer was the best, and only ice cream and chocolate cake could make it better.

But for little Twelve year old (Y/n), it was lonely. Her mom was strict, and she didn't have a lot of friends. Even if she did plan to go over to her friends house, her mom always said no. This left the little, only child, alone.

Because she didn't have many friends, or much to do while her mom worked days and her dad worked on fixing things in the house, she ventured online a lot. And I mean, A LOT. More then all the other kids were. But that's all you had to do, to entertain you, since you didn't wanna watch TV.

There, in your little online world, you set up a Facebook with a fake name, fake picture, fake age, and a fake life. You roleplayed with friends, and it was fun, until you met someone who was a little more special then all the others.

His name was Jake, he was 14 years old, and he was just a sweetheart. You two often did romance rp's, and soon he asked you to be his girlfriend.

Being his girlfriend was the best feeling ever, you called him while you at home, talked to him for hours on end, and just enjoyed each other's company endlessly. You were like best friends, and you loved him so much.

When bedtime came, you almost found it hard to sleep. Your cheeks were red hot, your stomach filled with butterflies, and your mind never skipping the thought of him. Jake was everything in your young little world.

It always reminded you of a quote Dr. Seuss you read on the internet.

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams

That's how you felt with Jake, reality was better than your dreams, and you never had to sleep again because life was so great.

But then the unbelievable happened. Jake messaged you one morning after several weeks of dating, telling you that there was a tornado warning where he lived. It wouldn't be scary, but he definitely would lose power and not be able to talk to you until it was back up.

You were fine with this, you trusted him more then anything in the world. he had already proved to you he was not only loyal, but wanted to keep a smile on your face at all times. What more could a girl ask for.

So for four days you waited You checked the news, and for sure this tornado had really happened. But there were no fatalities, just several people injured. Surely he was okay, and he would come back soon.

So little (Y/n) waited, and waited, and messaged, and messages, called, left voicemails, everything she could in hopes that Jake was okay.

But as summer came to an end, little (Y/n)'s hopes left too. She no longer knew what she could do about the whole Jake situation. Was she annoying? Was she too clingy? Did he ghost out on her? What was the cause of this leaving?

With all hopes for him lost, little (Y/n) decided it was time to move on. Little (Y/n) decided it was time for a quest. A quest for true love. In this little fairy tail, the princess would work to find true love. She was sure of it. Because one day, she knew she would go out into the world and find someone she loved so much that she wouldn't be able to sleep at night because reality was finally better than her dreams.

Painful lies (Tom Holland X reader)Where stories live. Discover now