~Slow down grab your bible~

975 21 6

Adrian 👑🍫

I sat on the kitchen counter peeling the crust of the grilled cheese I made only moments ago. I made Colin one as well, it was sitting in the warm pan on the stove next to me.

Just as I got the last side of crust off, my beloved boyfriend walked through the door. I took another bite watching him strip off his jacket.

"Your home early" he notes, walking to our room to put his jacket away.

"Yeah, I felt like going home so I left" I shrug, digging into my sandwich.

"Your not worried about getting fired?" He asks, the echo of his footsteps coming back down the hall drift in the air.

"No one else can design shoes like I can, I'll be right back tomorrow" I smirk.

He makes his way to me, I hold out my sandwich for him to take a bite. He accepts my gesture and takes a small bite, holding onto my knees.

I take a bite after him, I knew Colin was a very touchy feely type in private. In public it's like he's a completely different person, he's seems more annoyed and closed off.

Sometimes he'll come back from work and be so stiff, I have to hold him to get him to loosen up.

He slides his hands up my thighs, slowly to my waist. I offer him more of my grilled cheese, it's like my strange addiction to just hand feed him.

I take the last bite after him, as he leans into me, planting a kiss on my jawline. He pulls me closer to his body, trailing kisses down my to my neck.

I graze my hand up his neck to his jaw, separating his lips from my neck. I smush my lips against his, keeping my hand on his jaw, controlling the pace.

He tries to deepen the kiss so I push his mouth away, just to tease him. I bring him back in, to connect our lips together. Once again Colin tries to speed up the pace so I push him away.

"Your so greedy Colin" I giggle, dropping my hand from his jaw. He untucks his roll up from behind his ear, placing it between his lips.

I snatch the lighter from my pocket so I can light him up. One of his weird rules, I have to keep the at home lighter with me, I soon figured out why he has that rule.

"I don't want to" I hand the lighter to him.

He gives me a 'really' look, taking his smoke out his mouth. I shake my head, sternly.

He cups my cheek, peppering my face quick kisses, I laugh trying to turn my head away from him, I suddenly feel something wet on my cheek.

He pulls away, tucking his his smoke between his lips. I gasp "You Fucking licked me!" I yell, wiping his saliva off my face.

"Light me up" he mumbles.


He places his roll up between his ear and holds both my hands. I narrow my eyes, daring him to do something else.

"I'm sorry" he places a soft kiss on my nose, to only slide his tongue across it. I try to break free from his grip on my hands but I can't.

"Not sorry"

"THATS GROSS!" I yell.

He lets go of my hands and takes a step back. "Are you gonna light me up?" He asks.

I think about it, I really didn't want him to lick me again. "Fine" I give in.

Once again he places his smoke back in his mouth, leaning closer to my face. I flick the lighter on so the mini flame sparks.

I connect it to the tip of his smoke until it glows red. I throw the lighter across the room, in effort to distract him but he doesn't budge, I was trapped.

A thick cloud of smoke floods my vision, I groan, fanning the vapors out my face.

He does it all the time, sometimes he won't even inhale just so he can blow it in my face. Once the smoke is cleared, Colin wasn't standing in front of me.

I took a few seconds to cool down before deciding to get ready for a shower. I slide myself off the counter to our room.

I rummage through my side of the dresser for some pajamas. I feel an arm wrap around my torso, followed by a chin on my shoulder.

His other hand comes to the side of my face with his smoke. Only this time he was offering me a hit. I accept his offer, taking a long drag.

I feel his lips on my bare shoulder, and his hand runs up and down my thigh, he goes back up, so I feel his fingers on my side.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I mumble.

"So am I"

"You can take a bath and I'll take a shower" I say. He thinks about it for a second before giving in.

"I'll run the water" he walks off.

I set my clothes on the bed and sit down, I know Colin will some how convince me to take a bath with him.

He comes back out, pushing me onto my back. I giggle while he lays his body on top of me, resting his head on my chest.

I placed my hands on his which were at my sides. "Your so soft" he sighs, peacefully. I smile, massaging his hands.

As the silence settled in, I could hear the bath water running. "Get up" I wiggle my body.

"No, I'm comfortable"

"The bath water" I remind him.

He groans, sliding his body of me, carrying himself to the bathroom. I sit up, holding my clothes, walking to the bathroom.

He was already in the tub, I placed my clothes on the sink counter. I strip down and sit across from him in the tub.

I scooped up some bubbles, popping them in my hands. "We should remodel this bathroom" Colin suggests.

"This isn't a house" I remind him, making him a bubble beard.

"Then we'll get a house"

After our bath we dry off, brush our teeth, I throw my hair up in a bun and walk in on Colin laying down on his stomach with basketball shorts and no shirt.

I crawl onto bed, straddling his waist, massaging his bare back. I give him a quick kiss on his shoulder blade before laying the rest of my body on his back.

The light sounds of his breathing becomes a trance as I feel myself drifting to sleep. "Sweet dreams" is the last thing I hear before I completely close my eyes.

Colin Ritman|BandersnatchWhere stories live. Discover now