"You disgusting creature what are you doing at my kingdom's table!?" He found me and was coming right for me. I tried hard to keep my dark side in and not let my instinct of self-defense kick in. I didn't want to fight Jungkook's father, not now that I got his trust. "Leave her alone." I didn't have to fight him. Jungkook stepped in front of me when his father came close. "Jungkook, you were sent here to stop her not to protect her. It's clear you are too weak. Get out of my way before you will be punished with her." The king was glowing with power now. It was clear that he was angry. "I am not weak. You are just stupid for listen to someone that isn't even here instead of to your own son!" This was getting out of hand and it was my fault. "You little punk! I let you leave the kingdom for just a moment and this is what she does with you!?" They both at this moment were glowing with sun power. "She didn't do anything to me! She isn't even the one to blame here!" I had to do something about this. "That's enough! Out of my way!" The king yelled letting out a beam of light. "No!" The time seemed to have stopped for me as I yelled out and moved between the two males. My dark side had taken over as my vision was black white and I held a shield of darkness in my hand to protect Jungkook from his own father. "King, that's enough!" The royal mage had finally grabbed the sun king making him wake up out of the anger that he was in, my vision went blurry. "Nari!" I heard Jungkook voice before feeling someone catch me. My eyes started to blink repeatedly making my sight slowly return. "I'm fine, thank you." I said softly when finally seeing Jungkook again holding my head slightly above the ground. I sat up and held my head. "Why do you not wanna listen to me!?" Jungkook yelled out to his father while getting up. It seemed like he broke a conversation between the king and The Royal Mage. "What is there to listen Jungkook!? She is an evil creature that should not be here!" I closed my eyes feeling like giving up. This was what I feard when coming here. "This powerful princess you are calling an evil creature protected the whole school and everyone in it from a Colossus and an evil prince that was out to destroy this whole thing and everyone in it!" Taehyung and Jimin helped me up as the king was looking with disbelief at us. "Jimin, why are you helping her? Your father-" The king was cut off by Jimin. "My father is wrong. I'm sorry majesty but you should have given your son a chance to explain before storming into a fight. I haven't even been here for 24 hours and I know that princess Nari is not as evil as the old books describe her people." The king looked at me before looking at Jungkook. "An evil prince?" Jungkook just nod. "Did you know The Pure King had a daughter?" Jungkook asked. "How do you know? You shouldn't know that yet." It seemed by now that the king was afraid. "Well, I know about it because of Nari. Do you know that his daughter was supposed to marry the son of The Evil King?" The king just nod looking once again at me. "That prince never died. He stayed here between us but was asleep because of his lack of powers. The only reason Nari agree to come back into our world is because he had woken up and she faced him even faster than she expected." The students that were watching what was happening started to whisper, creating an uneasy atmosphere in the room. "Let's go to a different room and talk everything out. The rest of you is free for the first two classes to take a breather." The Royal Mage finally spoke up before taking Jungkook, his father, Taehyung, Jimin, JB and me out of the dining room and into his office.

We all sat around a table. I took my place far away from the king and started to explain as The Royal Mage asked for it. "This means another war. We have to cancel this school year and find this prince." The king finally spoke up after I was done. "That won't help. The evil prince wants the kingdoms to be separated from each other again. When I was explained this to Jungkook, Taehyung, and JB they asked me why the Prince wanted the school and not me or just Jungkook. I couldn't answer it then but after thinking about it I know why. He doesn't want the Kingdoms to work together anymore so he can destroy them one by one taking their true element. The only element he can't destroy is the sun and the moon but after the other kingdoms are down he won't have any trouble to fight just the sun kingdom. This school is the last thing that keeps the kingdoms together." The mage nod in agreement. "She is right my king. The kingdoms are growing apart from each other. That's why I brought all these changes. We need to bring these kids together and your son and princess Nari are giving a beautiful example to them." The king looked at Jungkook. "Why did you trust her from the start?" I could feel Jungkooks eyes on me but I didn't dare to look back. "I didn't. Just like everyone else, I was freaked out when she came out fully covered and her eyes being black but I didn't want to judge her on that. You always say that even the ugliest plant deserves some light. I wanted to talk to her before deciding if she really is what people think she is and from the first moment I introduced myself to her she was nothing but nice and caring. Even when people were giving her a hard time she just let them speak instead of jumping into fights with them. Even a moment ago, she held her powers in because she didn't want to fight you even though her powers told her differently and when she finally used to it was to protect and not to fight. She isn't like them and I trust all her people changed into better." I was surprised by Jungkooks words but after looking at the king I wasn't the only one. "How did you know that I was holding my powers?" I asked finally looking at The Pure Prince. "I could see your chains glow from under your cloak like they did when you were getting yourself ready to fight the Colossus." I looked away once more. "I guess I really was wrong here. Mage, make these kids works together again. I will restore my connection with the other kingdoms. Princess Nari, I would be glad if you brought in here your loyal men. If it's true that this time we will have to fight hand in hand lets not make you be alone here. And my son, I'm proud of you." A smile appeared on my lips not only because I wouldn't be alone anymore but also because of the adorable moment that happened between Jungkook and his father. "Mage, I will have to send a message to my father then." The mage got up to grab a piece of paper, a feather, and some ink. He placed it in front of me. "A letter?" He just nod at my question. I had no other choice than just to trust him and write a letter. After I was done I hand it to him. "This is how I have been communicating with your father before I got to your world." The mage got up before walking over to a locked cabinet. He opened it and pulled out a small fountain with black water. "It's an old shadow teleporter. How did you-?" I was speechless. The mage just chuckled and let the letter fall into it before putting the fountain back and locked it. "Long story I will tell you a different time. You all need to get ready for class while the king and I will talk some more." We didn't question it and just got up leaving the room.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and JB walked together outside while I followed behind them. We all went on the small island that Jungkook and I used to sit on and enjoyed the sun on our skin. "Is everything alright Nari?" I looked over at Jungkook. "Yes, I am fine. I can't wait until they are here." I smiled again at the idea. "I can imagine. Things will be easier for you then." I nod. "I hope you will be able to like them as well. They are friendly but special in their own way." All four of them just laughed. "I'm sure we will be fine." JB answered. I smiled and nod.

"Yeah, for now, we will be fine."

Pure prince JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now