Very sick.. .

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Hey you guys so I haven't been able to go to school today and I'm not going tomorrow.  I don't think I'm going Monday. I'm sick and I don't know whats wrong with me. I don't have the flue because I have all the symptoms of it except the fever...  That's the weird part,  I don't have a fever. I think it might be something worse because my mom is even confused.  And my dad,  and he knows a lot about stuff like this.  So also drama has been happening and s is so pissed at me.  She thinks my life is so perfect.  Well it's not,  I have many metical issues and mental issues. Also for a fact my mom and dad are disappointed in me for coming out...  She is kinda being over the top.  I don't want to be rude but it's True.... Almost everyone in my friend group think so. It's kinda upseting to think about because if she was less bossy and less dramatic then i wouldn't have a problem with her. She is really funny and knows how to make a person smile. But she doesn't know how to tell when someone is hurting. She blames me for people coming to me about their problems and to be honest,  they do come to me. The reason why is because I have a different way to comfort people.  And it works.  She goes with the aggressive approach that only works in some cases.  For her to say I'm ruining her "hard work",  is kinda rude. She doesn't know what she is doing....  She makes people feel worse about themselves.  Trust me,  people have told me that's why they come to me because I do whatever makes them comfortable.  That's what she's missing.  The empathy....  Instead of threatening and being aggressive she needs to take smaller steps and keep calm.  My girlfriend is scared of her.  When I say,  why???  She is just doing what she has gotten used to. She grew up this way,  not to trust anyone and to always defend herself. She really just grew up too fast.  She is like a sad toddler that is trapped in a bully's body.  She needs to see what she's been missing her whole life.....  Love.  She has been dumped so many times,  she has been broken and sewn back together just to be ripped apart again. It's unfair. And unfortunately it happen to me too.  Now I've changed and caught up to myself.  Im able to take care of my self first before others.  And it took me 8 years but I finally found myself.  Even if it took me through the worse times. There's always and outcome other than suicide..

-Just garbage 💜

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