
17 3 0

Okay, hey. So i was not going to write but my girlfriend woke me up with notifications and so i just said to myself, "why not..." so chistmas was great!!! I finally got my piano that i was wishing for and i also got a relationship i was hoping for. Im really tired and im trying to slap things down for you guys. Oh! I went to go watch Mary Poppins returns today. It was great!!! I would watch it again. And i got what i wanted for chismas and thats ill i got to say. Im quite pleased with everything. Although one thing that didnt happen was my mom and dad still dont trust eachother. They are still lobing to eachother but my dad is overthinking everything in my opinon. But i honestly know from the bottom of my heart that my mom would never cheat or anything like that. But my dad never listens to the child..... but anywho let me know how your christmas was and yeah sorry this was short but luvv u, boiiiiiii.

((( this is an update from the 10 minutes ago, there is a burning smell in our heater and it may or may not set our house on fire, im hoping it doesnt because we all got up and went down stairs. We all unpluged everything and the smell still remains. So wish me luck bye.))))


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