Chapter1: The Norm

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Chapter 1: The Norm

Malena pov

I hate math with a passion! Math and I will never get along and I will never use math in my career life, ever!

....But at least this was my last class before my friends and I go to a beach party! Oh the benefits of having friends who are popular and are party animals. Luckily my spring break was only a few minutes away and I had no homework from any of my classes! So far senior year is going good for me. My life is absolutely perfect! I have great friends, family, classes and soon to find the love of my life.

"Psst Melena, Evan is looking at you." My best friend Megan whispers at me. I look at her with a confuse look. She motion her head up towards her left to where the class hottie, aka Evan Woods, he was looking at my direction with those grass green eyes, his features looked like if he was a model. His sandy blonde hair was short and curly with green highlight tips. His smile gave you a warm and welcoming feeling. He motion his head back and I pointed at myself to see if he was talking to me. He nodded as a response.

"Go towards him girl!" Megan bump my elbow lightly.

I blush and look down at my lap. I didn't know what to expect. I toke a deep breath in and out. I push my seat back. 'This is it. I'm going to talk to Evan and probably ask him out' I told myself. I look up and frown at the sight I was looking at. Evan was turn around facing towards the windows talking to one of the nerds in this school. 


She wasn't popular or noticeable in school. She was a very pretty person don't get me wrong. Some guys didn't date her because of her popularity. Her silky platinum blonde hair reached past her shoulders. She had green faded highlights at the ends of her hair and some on top. Her forest green eyes were hiding behind her square glasses. She was leaning against the counters of where the windows were. They both seem to be in nice conversation.

"I guess it wasn't your time to shine with Evan Woods" Megan whisper at me. I look at her and roll my eyes at her.

"What? I thought he was motioning you over to him"

"Whatever, just forget about it." I pack up my math book in my bag. 

I try keep my eyes away from Evan. But it was hard to. Sigh, I guess it will never happen.......

A few seconds later the bell had finally rang! Everybody in my class ran out the class room. Megan had grabbed my hand and dragged me to where our other friends were. Once we arrive at the parking lot. Megan went over to her boyfriend Roger, he was a tall brunette semi he muscular guy. A very cocky guy and self absorbent boy. He was one of the popular kids in the school. He has lots of connections in the city of Blue rays. He knew about parties, news and other stuff of what he can get his hands into.

"Hey babe, Melena how was class?" He nodded at me and look down at Megan with a smile.

"It was lame as usual. Melena was going to embarrass herself again" She giggled.

"Really? Does he even need to know that?" I look at her with disbelief. It always annoyed me when she tells people about my secrets. Even though she was my best friend she needs to know what to keep on the bottom of the water.

"Well of course! He IS my boyfriend. I can't keep secrets from him, that's like bad for a relationship" She hugged him tight. Again why am I even friends with her? I don't even know how we get along with each other on day one.

"Megan's right, Melena. You can't keep secrets when you're in a relationship. But you don't know how it feels because you never gotten a boyfriend before." he said to me smartly. Oh how I want slap him in the face, so bad.

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