Chapter 4: Rebellions and Retribution

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   The former Nova Prospekt employee known as Mason had been converted into a monster, but maintained a human appearance. He found himself believing he was a king, and that humans were meant to be slaves. He had a castle, with many, many servants. What were the servants? Humans, of course. Monsters were given more rights than humans ever were, especially when the murder of humans is legal. Humans were a slave species now. They had no homes, and any property they owned had the right to be taken by any monster, along with any of their friends and loved ones. Nobody had to be kept together. Monsters, on the other hand, stole everything from humans. One day, a royal meeting was called. The Harpy Queen, the Spider Princess, the Arachne Lord, the Ghost King, Druella, and Mason appeared there.

"So, rebellions have started forming worldwide. How have you been faring against them?" The Ghost King asked.

"Nobody dared to cross me or my kingdom." Mason replied.

"I remember that some... Pitiful group came after me. My lowest guards killed them." The Spider Princess said. "Weak. Pathetic, even. How did humans manage to survive in this world?"

"That, is because we were not here to put them in their place! Those humans thought they were invincible, that they were at the top! Well now, we're the ones at the top! I expect you all to severely punish your servants, and show humanity what happens when they fuck up like this." Druella demanded of them. Everyone immediately agreed. Druella was one of the Demon Lord's daughters, a Lilim. Anyone who dared disobey a Lilim was treated to a slow and painful execution.


A few months have passed. Just as Blake had planned, people rebelled. And, of course, they were destroyed. He wanted the Royal Makai to let their guard down. And boy they did. However, one new power can be sensed... And surprisingly, it's not monster. It's human. And I don't think a human from this world could get that strong so quickly...


Meanwhile, in another part of the world, there were very few human settlements and towns remaining... But, even those were fading and collapsing fast. Because of that many human slaves found the ruins of those human settlements optimal places to hide out. Who would look in such an obvious place for hiding? That's what a small group of human slaves thought as they hid there. Thinking that the ruins of a human settlement would be a good resting place for the night. They spent all day avoiding a moth girl flying at them with obvious intentions to recapture them and punish them for escaping, but the group managed to evade her. Though, it was only a matter of time before she inevitably caught up to them...

"Hello again, boys. It appears I've found you yet again, little ones. Why don't you just accept your position in life and just serve us without doing... This? It would be a lot easier on the both of us. Me because I'll save time and you because what I'll do to you will make you wish you stayed back.~" She said, her eyes showing malicious intent, yet managed to maintain a playful tone when speaking like this.

"N-no... Wait, please... Have mercy on us..." One human begged, kneeling and clasping his hands together to try and get her to show pity on them.

"Then give in. Stop resisting, and I'll just bring you back... After I have some fun of course." She said with a smile on her face.

"A-aah! Someone! Anyone! Please, help us!" Another human cried out, cowering away. However, one human didn't seem to be afraid. Just smiling. A disturbingly confident smile plastered across his face.

Cecil was about to move in, to satisfy herself with these humans. However, a new, more terrifying and oppressive presence set in before she could...

"It took you much longer than it should have to capture these humans. You must be losing your edge, Cecil," the new Moth mused, calmly landing nearby.

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