Chapter 32: Covert Assault

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"So what's the plan?" Jensen asked.

"We're infiltrating the Sith base," Maya replied.

They were sitting in the main room of the Dauntless while Kato flew them back to the Republic outpost. "That'll be hard," Jensen murmured.

"You aren't going," Maya said.

He looked up sharply. "Why not?"

"This is too dangerous and risky, and the fewer people we have the better. Seth, Nova, and I will be performing the infiltration. We're doing it as soon as possible. We're going to eliminate that base," Maya replied, speaking calmly, almost coldly.

Jensen stared at her for a moment, and either he decided she was right or he had absolutely no hope of changing her mind. He sighed and sat back. "Fine. You'll need gear."

"Yes, we will. Top of the list will be stealth field generators. Do you have any?" Maya asked.

Jensen sat back, considering it. "I know we have at least one, we might have a few more. I know we brought one in, and we might have recovered one or two from the Sith. I'll see what I can dig up," he replied.

"Thank you. I'll need to make a report to Fielding and get this sorted out. Seth, Nova, I want you geared up and prepared. We're doing an infiltration and destroying the base. With luck, we won't even have to fight the terentatek," Maya said, looking intently at them.

"You didn't bring any stealth units?" Jensen asked.

Seth sighed and shook his head. "I put it on the req form, but they never got back to me."

"Supplies were tight at the Enclave," Maya said. Jensen just nodded and settled back into his seat, thinking.

Seth did the same, considering all the things that would go along with an infiltration mission. He didn't like them, because they could go more wrong than most, but he'd done enough of them that he knew what he was doing, and he had the idea that Nova could infiltrate a place pretty well, too. And given how Maya was reacting to all this, he figured she had to have experience. Well...soon, they'd find out what kind of resources they had.

And figure out if the Force was Light Side or Dark Side on this day.

* * *

They landed, left the ship, spent half an hour in the base, and then went right back out to the ship, this time with Yex. Seri rejoined them, just in case of emergency. Once again, they sat in the main hold, this time with a holographic display being projected up from the main table, showing a three dimensional representation of the Sith base.

"So how did you freaking find this?" Nova asked incredulously.

"Fielding was sitting on it. Apparently his predecessor found the blueprints for the mining installation the Sith has taken over and was preparing a mission similar to this, but died before he could actually initiate or even plan it. When Fielding took over, he was still trying to determine if they even had the resources to do it," Maya replied.

"Not an enviable position," Seth murmured.

"But we do have the resources to pull this off, I believe. We're going to need to do four things. The first will be to plug into their network and get an updated map of the base and where they put everything, given that I imagine they've been hard at work expanding, and we have no idea what was repurposed where or how. Once we have ascertained that, we're going to split up. One of us will head for the central command and upload their entire archive. The other will find a way to make a distraction. We'll figure out how best to do that once we're inside. The last of us will make our way to the power core and set it to overload. Once we have achieved our goals, we get out of there and we'll be done with Hoth," Maya explained.

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