Lots And Lots Of Pancakes

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Matthew smiled warmly as placed the fifth plate of pancakes in front of Gilbert who chirped excitedly before digging in. The Prussian had been demanding pancakes all day and Matthew was more then happy to supply his husband with them. 

"You make the best pancakes ever Birdie!" Gilbert managed to say in between bites of pancakes which caused a ghost of a smug smile to appear on Matthews face. 

"Oh I know" He said confidently as he stuck his nose up in the air jokingly causing Gilbert to giggle, Matthew smiled softly at this he absolutely loved hearing Gilbert laugh. His smile grew when he noticed that Gilbert was feeding some of his pancakes to Gilbird, Gilbert really did love that bird. 

"Do you want another plate?" He asked when he noticed that Gilbert had finished, the Prussian pursed his lips in thought before shaking his head. 

"I want to take a nap" He said instead and Matthew nodded in understanding before he effortlessly picked up the albino causing him to squeak in surprise. 

"Okay lets go lye down on the couch" He said which made Gilbert smile brightly before he nuzzled his head into the crook of the Canadian's neck. 

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