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"Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! ARTHUR!!" Francis yelled excitedly as he practically sprinted into the kitchen causing said Brit to let out a very long suffering sigh as he glanced up from his newspaper to give his husband a very unimpressed look. 

"Francis what could be so important that you felt that it was necessary to shout my name to the stars?" He asked blandly while he raised an unimpressed eyebrow, instead of answering Francis just smiled smugly as he tossed him something. Which he definitely did not fumble to catch, he definitely caught it on the first try. 

When he finally get a good grip on the thing his eyes widen in shock as he realized what it was that he was holding. A positive pregnancy test. 

"Does that answer your questions?" Francis asked smugly only for his eyes to widen as he watched Arthur slip out of his chair and onto the ground in a dead faint. Francis blinked in surprise as he slowly approached his unconscious husband. 

"Arthur? Are you okay" He questioned as he knelt down so that he could poke him which got no reaction from the Brit. Francis pouted as he stood back up and crossed his arms before devilish expression appeared on his face as he snatched Arthur's wallet out of his jacket pocket that was hanging from the chair. 

"Arthur is it okay if I use your credit card to but extremely expensive baby thing online?" He asked sweetly which of course Arthur did not respond to. 

"I'll take your silence as a yes" He said cheerfully before he practically skipped out of the kitchen, his smug smile not leaving his face. If Arthur was going to faint on him then he had every right to use his credit card, it was only fair after all. 

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