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Matthew sighed sadly as he packed up the box of baby clothes they had bought. They had been trying for a baby for over a year but he just couldn't get pregnant, and while he knew Gilbert would never say it but he was just as upset about it as he was. He glanced up from the clothes when a shaky looking Gilbert walked into the room, his eyes were wide and he looked really  nervous. 

"Gil? Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly as he stood up and approached his nervous husband. Gilbert sucked in a breathe and nodded as he shifted from foot to foot. 

"I'm fine, b-but There's something I need to t-tel you" He stuttered as he tugged at his shirt sleeve. Matthew's eyes furrowed in concern especially when he noticed that Gilbert was holding something but was purposefully not letting him see. 

"What is it Gilbert?" He questioned worriedly, Gilbert took a deep breathe before he began to explain. 

"You know how last week we decided to um switch positions?" He asked causing Matthew to nod slowly in confusion. He had been having a bad day after another failure to get pregnant so Gilbert had offered to bottom that night. 

"W-well um it looks like i-it had an unforeseen outcome" The Prussian mumbled before holding something up. When Matthew's landed on what was in his husbands hand it took all of his will power not to faint. 

It was a positive pregnancy test. 

"Surprise" Gilbert said with a shaky smile on his face. Matthew took a deep breathe before he turned on his heel and began unpacking the box of baby clothes. 

"B-birdie?" Gilbert questioned causing Matthew to glance at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well are you going to help me? We got to make sure this room is ready for when the baby arrives" He said with a warm smile on his face which caused an almost blinding smile to appear on Gilbert's. 

"Of course" He chirped cheerfully as he walked over and kissed Matthew on the cheek before he began unpacking the boxes. 

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