Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

I explain again “Wolfbloods usually always mark each other which are in the form of a bite or a scratch. It’s usually always the bite marks that are the mating marks. The scratches are usually for show.”

Loki asks “Why are the scratches for show?”

I explain “It’s a claiming mark. It shows that the male or female belongs to the male of female who they are claimed by.”

Loki smirks and I can see his eyes showing how lustful he is at the moment. I’m glad that I can see in the dark as I can see his face clearly.

The lights suddenly turn on allowing Loki to finally see where I am although he could obviously feel me laying on top of him.

We both get to our feet and I immediately pounce on Loki not completely ready to allow him to have me but just showing him that I am game. My wolf is pinning to have Loki so she’s thankfully ignoring the storm. I don’t think she understands that he’s not a Wolfblood.

Loki leans in to kiss me but I bounce back.

I grin cruelly “You can’t just command an Alpha Female’s submission you’ve got to earn it and I’ve been letting you off too often so it’s time to make you work for it a lot more.”

Loki smirks “Challenge accepted my love.”

Loki darts forwards but I gracefully leap away out of the way. He’s really going to have to work because I’m not going to undress myself or stop to allow him to undress me he’s got to trap me and do it himself.

After a while of leap and dodge Loki catches my wrist. He pulls me to him and lifts my top up over my head. He quickly disposes of my bra but doesn’t get a chance to do anything else as I escape his grip.

I dart across the room not caring that my top half is completely bare. Loki quickly discards his clothes. He waits for a minute obviously trying to figure out the best way to get me.

I see lightning which distracts me long enough for Loki to reach me and pin me to the wall. He disposes of my trousers and my pants.

In one swift movement he takes my mouth with his controlling my mouth like it’s his last chance to do so. He slips one of his hands between my legs and begins to play there. I arch up into him releasing a moan into his mouth. I feel him smirk so slip my hand down to play with his erection. He arches up into me and groans into my mouth.

Loki suddenly pulls away from me. I grumble slightly in disappointment.

Loki asks “When is the best moment to mark?”

I smile “Anytime.”

Loki nods then asks “Can I mark you now my love?”

I quickly slip out of Loki’s grasp while smiling “If you can catch me again then you can mark me.”

Loki smiles “Challenge accepted again my love.”

Loki dashes after me across the lounge and eventually into the bedroom. As I leap over the bed Loki catches me and pins me to the bed. He freezes after that looking rather unsure.

I ask “Loki what’s wrong?”

Loki asks “Are you sure that you want to start this mating bond?”

I smile “As sure as the sky is blue in the daytime.”

Loki smiles at me then asks again “Where should the mark be? How hard do I have to bite?”

I admit “Most marks are on the neck as they’re more visible to the outside world. You’re going to have to bite down hard. Make sure you use your magic to get fangs.”

Loki asks in worry “Will it hurt you?”

I admit “A little but I can live with it plus the pleasure it brings outweighs the pain.”

Loki nods then leans down to my neck. I submit to him and offer my neck to him. Loki bites down on my neck abit hesitantly but then he musters the courage and bites hard enough to mark me. There is quite abit of pain but now that he’s marked me whenever he bites down on that area it will give out a lot of pleasure.

I feel Loki shiver and I look up at him to see him not looking to happy.

I ask “What’s wrong?”

Loki asks in a panic “Are you okay? Did I do it right? Did I bite too hard...?”

I interrupt “Loki I’m okay there’s no need to worry. The only way to find out if it’s worked is for me to mark you.”

Loki nods but gasps in surprise as I flip him onto his back and climb on top of him. I lean forward and mark him neck. Loki cringes in pain but then relaxes while groaning in pleasure.

I feel the change in us instantly. Our scents have already begun to mix together and I can feel Loki’s heartbeat like it’s my own.

Loki admits “I can feel your heartbeat through me.”

I smile “I can feel yours as well.”

Loki asks “Does this mean we have a mating bond?”

I smile “Almost we just need to get down to the mating part of it.”

Loki grins and flips me onto my back while taking my mouth with his again. He slowly enters me and we both breathe out heavily. I’m positive that he can feel my pleasure through our forming bond as I can feel his. Loki sets a cruelly slow pace which has me growling at him in annoyance as he knows that it drives me insane. I try to take control but Loki stops me and goes even slower which I didn’t even think was possible.

I hiss “Go faster.”

Loki asks “What’s that magical word?”

I growl “I’m not begging you.”

Loki asks “Why’s that?”

I snap “I don’t beg to anyone!”

Loki smirks “Then we’ll just have to continue like this.”

I growl loudly at that to which Loki only laughs.

Well if ordering Loki to quicken up then I guess I’ll just have to distract him long enough for me to take control.

I stiffen underneath Loki and I make my eyes go wide as I look at the empty space behind Loki. Loki takes the bait as looks round. I take advantage and flip him over along with myself so that I’m on top. Loki tries to wrestle me but I quicken the pace and Loki simply falls back onto the bed while groaning. Loki finds the new pace and begins to buck his hips furiously as he tries to meet me as I come down onto him.

Loki groans “That was cheating!”

I smile through a moan “I learn from the best.”

Loki chuckles happily then groans in pleasure.

I feel the pressure beginning to build up inside of me so I know I won’t last much longer and by the feel of it Loki won’t either. He’s been rather good since I’ve put him on his back. He hasn’t fought me like I thought he would he seems to have accepted that I’m in control tonight.

Loki whines “I can’t take much more my love.”

I smile “I know you can’t and I can’t either.”

Loki groans “Let us come together.”

Just as he says that I feel like I’m about to explode so I quickly bite down on my claiming mark on his neck and allow myself to come as Loki stiffens, groans and then comes violently inside of me.

I flop down on top of him and remove myself from him. Loki is panting like a maniac trying to get his breathing under control again.

Loki asks once his breathing has returned to normal more or less “How do you feel about having a mating bond.”

I smile “Come here and I’ll show you.”

Loki turns over so that he’s facing me again and I immediately link our lips together in a demanding kiss.

We end up playing dominance throughout the entire night leading to us having a lazy day the next day due to tiredness.

Played By The God Of Mischeif.Where stories live. Discover now