But even stranger is that my wolf began to stiffen. She was all the way there now, pressed against the walls of my mind. Normally she's like a tuned out radio station that only plays static. Now she was full on there, practically blaring music. That's not what actually happening, but you get the point.

She was there but she wasn't saying or doing anything. She just felt stiff.

What is it?

She didn't respond, but rather continued to stay quiet.

Olivia mumbled something that snapped me out of my thoughts, but I still heard it.


I couldn't smell the pine, but that nutmeg smell smelt like it was getting closer. It was a lot stronger now than it was before. Alarms went off in my head, and I quickly decided that we had to get out of there. Whatever it was that smelt so good was getting closer, and it obviously had something to do with my wolf. I've been avoiding the werewolf side of me for years, and I'm not about to give in to being one again now. I grabbed Olivia's arm once again and dragged her out to the car. We got in and I quickly drove off.

Olivia sat in silence and it was kind of scaring me. Olivia loves to chat, so it's weird seeing her like this.

"Are you okay?"

She just shakes her head and looks at me.

"My wolf spoke to me."

I almost slammed on the brakes.

"What? Really? What did she say?"

She looked down at her hands, her face filled with confusion.

"She told me that I should follow the scent. That the pine smell wasn't a thing it's a who. But she didn't know who that person was."

I sighed.

"I felt my wolf too. But she didn't say anything."

She looked at me in disbelief. We both knew now that this was something that was pretty damn serious for it to be affecting us like this. After years of silence with our wolves, they finally come out today.

"This is too weird."

"Tell me about it."


After the incident, we both just agreed that it would be best that we just avoid whatever the smell is from now on. The minute we smell either of those two delicious smells again, we run the other way.

We were both at home now, almost 8 pm. We both were getting ready for the club, us both wearing our dresses and putting on our makeup. I settled with a smokey eye look that made the black dress stand out, and Olivia was wearing a pink dress with a more natural makeup look. Olivia even straightened my hair.

We were both ready to go so we called an Uber to take us. We got out at the club, to see a long line outside. I pulled my dress down a little so it wasn't riding up, and we grabbed us a spot in line. A couple of cute guys stood in line in front of us, and while we waited to get in, I could see them staring at us out of the corner of my eye. They both whispered back and forth to each other, until finally they turned around and began to smile.

"Hello, ladies. What's a couple of fine women like you doing out here tonight?" The blonde one winked at Olivia. Olivia bit her lip and smiled.

"We're just looking for a fun time tonight."

It was now our turn to go into the club, after finally getting in, the over whelming scent of sweaty bodies and alcohol filled my nose. I cringed a little, but just tried to focus on Olivia's conversation with Blondie.

Blondies friend was eyeballing me so I began to start a conversation with him as well.

"So, what are you doing here on a Saturday night?"

He was kind of cute, I'll give him that. But something about him just set me off. He had his hair long and it was styled over and it gave him a Justin Bieber kind of look. 

"If Im being honest, I was dragged out here to try and get over my ex girlfriend. She broke up with me last weekend."

Oof. That's tough.

"Oh, I see."

I needed to leave this conversation, it was getting kind of weird now.

"Do you want something to drink? I'll go get us something?" I asked him.

He told me any beer would be fine, so I made my way over towards the bar. I ordered two bud lights. I took my dear sweet time though. I opened up my bottle and began to drink it. Once it was gone, I ordered another. I probably looked like an idiot, since I had another one in my hand, but I didn't care. I needed to buy time so I didn't have to go back to that train wreck of a conversation.

As soon as I got the other bud light, I smelt something.

Out of all the sweaty body smells here, I still smelt the delicious smell. I froze.


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