Maya admits “Yes I believe we all do.”

I smile “Well then someone get Pierce and Isaac we’re going for a training session but be warned it’ll be a short session.”

Thea asks “Can I join in on the training today Brooke?”

I nod my head while admitting “Sure you can but just for today Thea I’ve got a plan so I need to even out the numbers.”

Rocco has already pulled his phone out to call Pierce.  Too bad Jett can’t get involved since he’s on gate duty he would like this session that I’ve got planned. I notice that Athena has got her phone to her ear as she’s most likely calling Alexis to get Isaac here for the session.

I’m going to split the group into two separate groups and get each group to take out the opposing group. It’s like a game of man hunt. I’ll be involved as well as I don’t like not doing the same exercise as the Enforcers as I don’t think it’s fair that they do it and I don’t.

Greta grumbles “I wouldn’t think that your idea of training is of actual good.”

I reply “Well obviously it is as any other clan challenges have failed completely.”

Greta remains quiet obviously at a loss for how else to try and humiliate me. I turn to Rocco as he gets off the phone with Pierce.

Rocco notifies “Pierce is on his way he was preoccupied with Crystal.”

Nora laughs “Which means that they were burying the bishop.”

Loki whispers close to me “What does burying the bishop mean?”

I smile quietly “It means they were having sex.”

Loki coughs slightly in shock. He’s probably shocked that I’m so open about it.

A few minutes later Pierce arrives with Isaac arriving not long afterwards looking rather worried and scared.

I announce “Alright since we’re all here lets head out to the forest.”

Nora cheers “Yes terrain training.”

I smile “Nope stealth training.”

We all begin to pile out of the kitchen and along the halls until we reach the door leading outside. We head to the fenced off area of the forest in our territory which we only allow to be used for training.

As we finally arrive in the training area Loki grabs my arm. I turn to look at him while trying to shrug him off me. He looks really uncertain.

I ask “What’s wrong?”

Loki asks “Are you sure you want me here?”

I admit “You’ll have to do some sort of training in order to pass as a Shifter why not start now. It’s Isaac’s first time doing the Enforcer training as well.”

We begin walking again so that we’re all more in the middle of the area.  The training area is at least two miles in each direction when you’re standing in the middle of it so it’s large enough to do really detailed training sessions in.

Coming to a stop near the white flag that represents the middle of the arena I turn to look at everyone.

I announce “Okay so today’s training session is basically a giant game of Man Hunt except for a few minor details. When someone on the opposing team finds you, you both battle it out slightly. The first one to touch the others head wins. I don’t want any serious injuries so we’re only doing this in our human forms. The goal of the game is to be the last team standing. Any questions?”

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