Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

I slowly open my eyes only to have to close them again as I wasn't prepared for the amount of sunshine pouring into my unprepared eyes. I can feel a weight on my head. I'm leaning on someone's shoulders. I lift my head slowly and turn slightly to see who I've been sleeping against for who knows how long.


I've been sleeping against Loki and he's been sleeping against me. I gently push him so that he's leaning against the door. I look over towards Morgan who is still asleep. I look towards the front of the car to see that Roxy is asleep and that Rocco is obviously still awake as he's driving.

I ask quietly so I don't wake anyone else "What the time Rocco?"

Rocco jumps slightly with a short gasp of shock.

He quickly notifies "It's nine AM."

"You tired at all yet?"

"Nope I'm still wide awake."

"How long has trouble been asleep?"

"Loki fell asleep about half an hour after you fell asleep. You were sleeping with your head on his shoulder pretty much ever since you fell asleep. He didn't seem to care when he was awake and actually chose to fall asleep with his head on yours. Roxy thought you both looked cute."

"I would have thought that I would have woken up in that situation."

"If it was anyone else I'm sure you would have."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing just forget I said anything."


"It's not place to say anything."

"Then whose place is it?"

"No one's. You have to figure it out for yourself."

"Where are we now anyway?"

"We're currently in Canada still. We're in the Saskatchewan state in the south. We won't have much longer to go until we cross over into the USA again."

"You really put your foot down didn't you?"

"Well with no one awake to stop me flooring it then why shouldn't I."

"Who's driving the other car now do you know?"

"Raya took over about an hour ago. Jett had managed to stay awake using his stash of monster."

"How was he not sick? I can only drink one at a time before feeling sick."

Rocco laughs suddenly making me glare at him. He's obviously just remembered the time a few of the Clan members had a monster drinking competition where I had thrown up after two cans of the stuff.

I grumble "Shut up Rocco."

He defends "I hadn't even said anything about the time you threw up after two cans."

"You did just then."

Rocco just laughs again then returns his full attention back to driving, just as Morgan begins to stir from his twelve hour sleep.

Morgan looks around slowly and notices the change in seating arrangement.

Morgan asks "What's the time and where are we?"

I notify "It's nine AM and we're in the south of Canada near to our crossing point into the USA."

Morgan nods his head and falls back into silence.

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