Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Brooklyn wake up!"

I jolt awake and gasp for breath clutching my chest. I can feel the dry sweat sticking to me and kick my covers off my bed. Feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion overcome me at the effort. Apparently, I'm not any stronger after sleeping for who knows how long this time. At least I'm back in my own bed.

I look around the room, beginning to calm down after what must have been a nightmare. I thought I fucking got passed this shit.

A voice asks "Are you alright Brooklyn?"

I turn to look at the source of the voice to find Loki standing beside my bed looking extremely worried.

I lie "I'm alright."

Loki glares at me, sensing the lie immediately.

Loki demands "You were mumbling about your parents calling you a freak. Calling out your sisters' name. Screaming that you're not a monster and that you can control it. What were you dreaming about? Why were you saying those things about your parents? Why do you refuse to speak about your parents? What have they done?"

With a shaky sigh I pat the space next to me in my bed offering Loki a place to sit. He sits down instantly. I guess here goes nothing.

I explain carefully "When I was younger I kept my Telepathy a secret from pretty much everyone except my siblings. One day it becomes apparent to my mum that there's something different about me. I answered to many questions that hadn't been asked, to many unexplained short lived pulsating headaches. Eventually I fessed up to having my powers, at first she didn't believe me so I reached out into her mind with my Telepathy. She freaks out and starts attacking me. My dad comes in finds out and attacks me again. That was the first time my Snow Leopard lost it, she forced her way out and attacked. I was easily overpowered by the two fully grown Snow Leopards. I got injured badly and I was left to fend for myself from that point on really. I was an outcast by my parents. My siblings although they knew about my powers, they were too young at the time to do anything especially Thea. I could see it in themselves though that they hated what was going on, Phoenix would constantly argue with my parents and he would get hit and badly beaten up until I stepped in which then made them turn on me more. In this time, I began showing feral symptoms to the outside world. A child Shifter doesn't go feral without reason, so the Clan began asking questions. Eventually they found out about my added ability, and I became the outcast of the whole Clan. They wouldn't kick me out unless I did something terrible, but they pushed me to my limits. I'd built up my walls, so I could take whatever they dealt out to me, but Phoenix and Thea they weren't as emotionless as I was at the time. They were still pure and innocent, they hadn't shed someone else's blood, so I took it upon myself to protect them from the onslaught of abuse they got. It was clear my parents had stopped giving a shit about us all..."

I stop, allowing myself a moment to calm down my racing brain, and to my thoughts.

Loki urges "Carry on Brooklyn, you're doing really well."

With a small glare I continue "One day a particularly nasty set of adolescent Shifters barely older than me at the time cornered Thea and began pushing her around, calling her names, making fun of her for being related to me. In comes Phoenix thinking he can take on the group of about six Shifters who are all older, stronger, more trained than he is and he fights back. He attacks them but quickly gets outmatched, they pull a weapon on him which is pretty low and my Snow Leopard loses it again. I'd come into the area following the screams of Thea to see my baby brother on the floor, bleeding and having had a knife pulled out on him. My Snow Leopard goes ballistic full on feral and beginning to push for the Rogue status. She forces her way out and kills all but one of those idiot boys, the other escapes and informs the Alphas. I eventually return back only to find myself, Phoenix and Thea surrounded by all of the Enforcers, Beta pair, Alpha pair and our parents..."

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