Chapter Seven

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Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Seven

We enter the library a few minutes later and I find that nobody else is in here which is good. I turn to look at Loki who is looking around at the books which are surprisingly neatly stacked on the shelves that are in the room.

Usually the books are in such a mess that it’s usually almost impossible to find the book you’re looking for. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that someone has actually bothered to organise this place.

The book shelves run along the whole perimeter of the room with five standing out away from the wall towards the back of the room. There are three tables not unlike school tables in front of those book shelves to the left as you enter the room. To the left is a seating area made up of soft bean bags and low down tables. I personally prefer sitting in that area because it’s more comfy.

Loki admits “This is a very impressive library.”

I smile “It’s not too bad.”

Loki chuckles and goes to look at a book shelf. I quickly go to the section which should hold the book about Shifters.

Once I find it I call Loki over to one of the school like tables. Loki takes the book off of me and sits down at the table. He opens the book and begins reading. He’s a fast reader I can already tell unless he’s just skim reading the book.

Loki comments “Interesting you Shifters came about through a mutation in the early years of Humanity and your genetics aren’t affected by whether or not one or both parents are Shifters.”

I smile “Yeah you’re either a Shifter or you’re not. If you’re not a Shifter though you have a recessive gene which you could still pass on which means your children could be Shifters.”

Loki turns to look at me and I see that he has a smile on his face. Well I’m glad that he’s enjoying learning about Shifters. He’s got to learn a lot more if he wants to be a part of this clan though because I know that Morgan likes all clan members to know our ways. Well of course we know our ways because we’re all Shifters. Loki might be the first non-Shifter to join this clan.

Loki asks “Where is the part about what animals you Shifters can transform into?”

I lean over his shoulder and turn about twenty pages before the first animal appears. The first animal is a Wolf.

Loki asks “Are there any people here who can turn into these animals?”

I admit “Yeah there’s Morgan, Roxy, Rocco, Jett, Remi and Skye.”

Loki nods his head then turns onto the next animal which all the types of Tiger.

Loki asks “Do we have any of these animals?”

I admit “Yeah Aaron, Quinn and Zoey are all Siberian Tigers.”

Loki nods then reads for a minute or two then turns onto the next animal which is a lion.

I notify knowing what Loki will say “We don’t have any of these in the clan.”

Loki smiles “You knew what I was going to ask.”

“It gets repetitive after a while.”

Loki laughs again. He soon turns to the next animal which is a cheetah.

“None in the clan.”

Loki turns to the next animal which is Polar Bears.

“Nora and Gabriel are Polar Bear Shifters.”

The next animal is Grizzly Bear to which I tell Loki that we have none in the clan. The next animal is Black Bear which I again said that we have none. The next animal is Leopard to which I again say that we don’t have any. The next animal is Snow Leopards I tell Loki that there’s me, Thea and Phoenix. The next animal is a Cougar to which I tell Loki that Kira, Crystal and Jacob are Cougars. The next animal is all of the types of Lynx to which I tell Loki that again we don’t have any in the clan. The book then goes onto African Wild Dogs which I tell Loki that Felix and Isaac are African Wild Dog Shifters. The next animals are all the types of Jackal to which I tell Loki that Raya, Maya, Alexis and Athena are Golden Jackals. The next animal is a Jaguar which I tell Loki that Pierce and Esme are Jaguars. The next animals are the types of Fox to which I tell Loki that again we don’t have any. The next two animals are the same story because they are Hyenas and Coyotes. In total there are two hundred and seventy different types of animals us Shifters can become.

Loki smiles while closing the book “It’s amazing how many creatures you Shifters can transform into.”

I notify “We can only shift into one species.”

Loki nods his head but his smile still remains on his face. I begin to smile as well.

Loki’s so excited to learn about the Shifter culture it does make me think that he could actually become a part of this clan.

I ask “So what animal do you want to try and shift into?”

Loki looks at me for a minute before asking “Can I become a leopard?”

I smirk “You don’t need to ask me just as long as you don’t turn into a Snow Leopard then we’re all good.”

Loki nods and gets to his feet. He holds his hands out in front of him and closes his eyes. A green mist slowly forms around his ankles and works its way up Loki’s body. I can see Loki’s lips moving like he's saying something under his breath.

Once the mist covers Loki’s entire body it stops rising. A few seconds later the mist disappears and where Loki stood is now a black leopard.

I ask “Loki?”

The leopard looks at me and growls softly. The leopard’s eyes go wide slightly then it quickly nods its head.

I kneel down beside the leopard offering my hand to it even though I know its Loki. Loki walks closer to me and sits in front of me.

I smile “Look’s like you were telling the truth when you said you could do this.”

Loki nods his head with a soft growl.

I ask “Did you think that you’d be able to talk?”

Loki nods his head again with a soft growl.

I urge “Change back you need to learn more about Shifters if you want to become a member of the clan.”

I still want him to stay away from my siblings but I guess that he can still be a part of the clan without having to interact with my siblings.

Loki quickly changes back and returns to the book. I head into the fiction part of the library and find the book I’m looking for which is ‘Saving the world and other extreme sports’ by James Patterson. I love this series.

Anyway once I’ve got the book I head over to a bean bag and flop down onto it. Loki looks at me from across the room before getting back to reading the book. I begin to read the book I got.

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