Chapter Thirteen

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Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Thirteen

After having lunch at the Shifter friendly cafe and getting Loki cleared to accompany us to the North Carolina Shifter Clan I pull back into our territory. Jett’s on gate duty at the moment, so after a quick briefing with him I find that Thea, Rocco and Maya have returned to the territory and that we have one Shifter guest who came to see Morgan about something and that I would probably be required at some point. I drive down and park up in the garage and quickly jump out. Loki takes his time getting out of the car.

Loki asks “What are we doing now?”

I notify “First I’m getting a coffee and then you’re going to do some more research on Shifters while I work.”

Loki asks “What is your work?”

I admit “I’m a Fashion Designer that’s my job believe it or not.”

Loki asks “What does a Fashion Designer do?”

I explain “A Fashion Designer designs clothes and usually makes them. I just design them and other people make my designs for me.”

Loki asks “Why don’t you make them?”

I admit “I don’t have the time or the skill to make most of my designs.”

Loki nods and I lock the car as he finally closes the door to it. I begin to walk to the elevator and Loki follows quickly.

We eventually arrive in the kitchen only to find the old cow in here. Luckily there are still others in here but even so she’ll see Loki and me and start on us. The others in here are Rocco, Maya, Raya, Phoenix, Nora, Jacob, Athena and Thea.

Nora asks as she sees me “How was the venue?”

I admit “It’s a good venue.”

Nora asks “So we’re all set for tomorrow then?”

I nod and Nora jumps out of her seat and jumps into the air a few times in excitement.

Greta grumbles “I bet it’s a rubbish venue if you’ve cleared it.”

I respond quickly “Isn’t it time for your nap Greta. You got to get some beauty sleep especially in your case as you can’t get any uglier.”

Greta snarls at me “You insolent little...”

I respond quickly interrupting “Sorry I can’t hear you. I naturally tune out to stupid people.”

Greta snarls again at me then turns to Loki and snaps “Why are you still here you psycho?”

I notify “Use what’s left of your shrivelled up brain Greta. He’s here because he is and we’ve got an obligation to look after him.”

Greta turns to me again snapping “Why don’t you shut your mouth.”

I laugh in question “Why do you feel threatened by me? If you do why not just challenge me right here right now?”

Greta snarls at me but doesn’t say anything else. She may not like me but she’s too scared of me to challenge my authority in the Clan. I have a widespread reputation as someone who shouldn’t be messed with at all and I mean at all. If it isn’t that my Snow Leopard is aggressively feral almost always then it’s the fact that I’m just hardcore.

Rocco asks “Are we going to be doing any Enforcer training this week Brooke?”

I hesitate then ask “Do you guys want training?”

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