Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

We've just left the territory meaning our ridiculously long journey has begun. We've got to make a stop so that I can get Loki some travel sickness pills as he's already complaining of feeling sick. So we're heading into Palmer so I can grab the medicine. Jett's car is carrying on ahead of us with the knowledge that he needs to be slow. I'll catch him up quickly if I pick up the speed but with Loki who knows if I'll be able to.

Rocco asks "You sure it was a good idea to send the other car ahead of us?"

I reply "Yes it'll be fine. We can catch them up quickly. Anyway we're about to reach the shop where I can get the motion sickness pills for Loki."

I pull the car up at the pharmacy and hop out of the car. Loki follows me without thinking twice about it by the looks of it.

I comment with a smile on my face "You could have stayed in the car you know."

Loki notifies "You told me that I have to accompany you all the time. I see no reason to change that arrangement anyway who is going to protect you if you're attacked?"

I scoff "I don't need protecting I can protect myself."

Loki laughs resulting in me playfully punching his arm which he yelps at while backing away slightly from me.

I repeat "I don't need protecting I can handle myself. You should have noticed that by now."

Loki scoffs "But you always come back injured."

I argue "I didn't when those guys jumped us when we were out shopping."

Loki comments "That was a fluke."

I grumble "I'll show you a fluke."

Loki darts towards the shop entrance with me hot on his tail.

We stop being silly as we enter the pharmacy as I immediately head over to the counter as that's the only place where I can get the travel sickness medication.

The pharmacist on duty asks "What can I do for you?"

I ask "Do you have any scopolamine travel sickness pills?"

The pharmacist smiles warmly "I believe we do have some stocked. I'll just grab a packet for you."

I ask "Could I have two packets please. It's a long journey so I'm going to need more."

The pharmacist nods while picking up two brightly coloured packets of the travel sickness medicine.

The pharmacist asks "Where are you off to then?"

I admit "North Carolina. It's going to take seventy two hours to get there in total and that's if the traffic is good."

The pharmacist smiles "That's a long trip I don't know if I could make that sort of trip."

I chuckle "You and me both. The boredom of driving will probably kill me before I even get there."

The pharmacist asks while laughing "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

I reply "No but there is something I'd like to ask regarding these."

The pharmacist asks "What would you like to know?"

I ask "For a Shifter what would be the best dose to take?"

The Pharmacist asks "Depends on the animal the Shifter can turn into. May I see the animal you turn into?"

I notify "It's not for me but for my friend over there."

I point at Loki who is looking at the shampoo and conditioner section of the shop.

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