Polar bear: No wait, I am coming in there.

At his not-a-second to spare texts, my eyes widens at what he asserted. My gaze falls at the towel I had wrapped around my body and head after the shower.

I hurl the mobile towards the mattress as soon as I heard the click of door, to which he had quite the easy access to and in spite of my existence inside he would, obviously decide to use it. Like seriously, when was his etiquette's ever normal.

The door creaked open a slit, I bolted in the direction and with my back I push the door into it's locked state with force not to be reckoned with. Shutting it for good.

"I am fine" breathing heavily I assure him aloud. I could feel the mystifying  frown on his face that is until I listened to that emotion In his voice.

"Okay" he drawls out "So let me in then"

"I can't" I say clearing my throat.

"Why?" slowly turning I wink my eyes into the peephole, to see him standing there with a demanding look with his arms crossed. I sigh at my misery.

"I just came out of shower" I reason resuming my old pose, by turning and guarding the door.

There is a pause before I felt him mumble something like "more of a reason why I should be there"

"What?" with a low edge to my voice I ask.

"Nothing" immediately he replies without missing a beat, but a little hesitant. "What's with the short replies huh?"

Pouting while clutching the towel tighter against my chest, I annihilate my own thoughts to pin point were I went wrong. I've always felt that talking was way more time saving and eco friendly than punched words. So let's be real, I stunk at texting in general. But so was he, the technical usage of full words by his side instead of the half swallowed and abbreviated messenger term  of present generation was a proof.

That's a good thing since, I would reply to I am having a preferably sad case of diarrhoea rather than a heart felt ILYSM.

But to get him moving on from the spot I do the one best thing I extremely ace at, other than academics, computer, art and okay, I should clam up now. What I meant was lie.

I lie.

"I was too baffled by your long texts, you don't talk much and when I saw such lengthy words it took me by surprise. So I was adoring it rather than replying at them" I say with a tone of appreciation. He took his esteemed time to absorb the nonsense in my reason. But delivered his view which almost made me want to tear open the door and pinch his cheeks with ardor.

"Strange. I always thought I converse with you more than anyone else"

That's because you do.

I can even picture the subtle lines of worry on him as i roll my lips inward to stop myself from smiling.

I hear him sigh in what I could name as pure failure.

"Be ready by seven, I want to take you somewhere"

"Where?" listening intently I wait for his reply.

"Since it's you, lets do something productive. And as for what and where? You'll know that soon anyways" detecting the hint of mischievous smile on his utterance I open my mouth to protest but clamp them shut as I hear his fading steps.

With my head swirling with all possibilities I get dressed, but as soon I do so I hear a knock. Expecting it to be Alex again I swing the door open with a brow raised in sass.

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