•Playing cards |• part 2 •| The Devil Card•

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The demon was jiggling the door handle and tapping on the glass. I started to panic as it wailed and screeched at me while heavily breathing through it's visibly tight throat and small nostrils. It's beadey white eyes pierced my soul to it's core and shook me very deeply.
Water was making it's way up my legs but this time it stung a lot for being so cold. I couldn't find a way to go except out the window.

I saw there were no ways to open the windows on this floor. Probably because of how high up it all was, it wouldn't be safe for other spirits. And it was a smaller area on the outer end of the building.

I stepped up onto the window sill opened out my wings and kicked through the glass and broke it down with my wings front joint bone.
I flew out of the tower, water covered the whole world and the rest of the building stuck out like a thumbtack on the floor. I circled the tower in the night sky with little ability to see my surroundings, not that there was any. And i made my way up to the top of the tower where lucifer's office would be.
I narrowed myself into a bullet point and broke through the large glass dome into the half room/ greenhouse that led out to the main hallway towards lucifer's office.
I was covered in dust and leaves from flying through the vines that covered the glass.

I opened up the door and showed my self to him, wet and bleak and cold. Dripping onto the carpet while trying to keep calm. I said
"Why, is everything wet." He looked startled but also as if he saw this coming.
"It's, wet.. because, the moon makes the water level rise. As always"

"Yes, but not hundreds of feet. I've been down here at night before and this never happened. The closest we've got to high water was up to the top of the northern hillside leading here, not to the top of your window, and there was a fucking demon chasing me through the whole tower, which I've never even fully been through, mind you. And it chased me up and up and up with the water level. It was horrifying. I haven't been more scared, and screamed more in my life while running from-"

"Sshhhhhh, calm yourself. You're going to make things worse."

"Just please tell me what happened and why."

He looked at me with a Stern view and continued to say. "I did it to test you, see if you have what it takes to keep you here or lock you out. And you seem to have found a way here without getting harmed. And managed to outrun one of our fastest demon yard guards. So, with that being said, welcome back. But you really shouldn't be here. So please leave as soon as you can. "

The water that submerged the underworld started to sink back down to the normal height and glistened in the moonlight, as the water went away. The objects around me fixed themselves and went dry in not even 2 seconds after the water stopped touching it. It was trippy in almost every way, but so is this entire place..
I left his office and walked up towards the lightning rod and outside the glass dome through the hole i bursted through and flew up to the crystalized energy that encased half of the lightning rod and spread out almost longer than the entire tower in width and height.

I stood at the circular metal globe at the tip of the tower and rod and warped home.

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